Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Recent Approaches to Management and Changing Nature of the Workspace Research Paper - 1
Leadership and Management Essay - Research Paper Example Though the two concepts are completely different, they are linked with each other. It is quite significant for the organizations to pay due attention towards the leadership as well as the management aspects in order to increase the efficacy of the overall organization (The Wall Street Journal, 2012). The main objective of the paper is to identify the changing nature of the work environment and the relevance and the application of recent approaches to organizational structure. The study will also endeavor to identify if any association between organization structure and culture exists or not. The paper will also attempt to offer examples from recent organizations such as Ford Motor Company and McDonald’s and will demonstrate the organizational structures of these two organizations and how it tends to impact the culture as well. organization Structure By the term ‘organization structure’, it can be comprehended as the framework around which a group is organized, the groundwork that keeps the coalition functioning. It serves as an operational manual directing the members how the organization is put together and how it tends to operate. ... One of the most significant functions of the organizational structure is related to decision making. One of the imperative benefits related to the organization structure is that if the organizational structure is flat then the decisions can be made quickly. organizational structure can perk up the efficacy. In a functional organization, where there is a considerable number of departments, the department heads delegate project tasks to both directors as well as managers. These individuals generally take up tasks with the help of numerous coordinators as well as analysts. Employees are held responsible for their individual tasks since all the employees work hard to complete their project on time. Those employees belonging to small companies are often organized in terms of product or geographical region are found to be more motivated. This implies that the organizational structure of a smaller organization is quite flexible enough to motivate the employees of the organization. The organ izations subsist in order to integrate corresponding activities in the presence of specialization. The numerous structural dimensions of the organizational structure are connected with various activities happening within any controlled group of components behaving in a certain way to follow objectives. The information activity which is concerned with information flow among the members of the group is generally related to the coordination dimension. The monitoring activity which is related to the recuperation functionalities of the organization is associated with control dimensions. A good organizational structure may assist in developing and administering a culture which is conducive for the members of the organization.Â
Monday, October 28, 2019
Remedies for Lazy Bones How to Get the Laziness Out of Your Students Essay Example for Free
Remedies for Lazy Bones How to Get the Laziness Out of Your Students Essay Teaching as a rewarding career can be frustrating sometimes when you have difficulty in motivating the students. This is even harder to those lazy students. Mentors are the ones responsible in treating these lazy bones among them. They should stay with these students regardless of the difficulty of your effort. First, teachers should be open-minded. They should consider that students don’t have only one subject – that is your subject- and they have to think about their other subjects. They may have six or more subjects to think about and their teachers maybe also give them a task to accomplish. Teachers should understand that. Teachers may think that the task is easy, but you need not to forget that they also have other subjects, which might require more difficult tasks. Second, teachers should be good motivators, considering that students have different interests. Even the lazy students have motivations, and teachers should discover them. As much as teachers reward good students, they should also reward lazy students if they ever participate in class activities. These rewards should not necessarily be gifts or material. Just a praising word like â€Å"good job†is enough. When students feel an experience of inner accomplishment and satisfaction, he is more likely to become motivated. Third, they should give the students choices. They need to feel like they have some power and control over their educational experience. Let them work. Act as facilitator. Create opportunities where lazy students can participate. Do not only teach the students but get them involved in class. Teachers should remember important points: The lazy students may not work-unless they are motivated. And, they have to give rewards for accomplishments. Otherwise, motivation may not continue.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Last Samurai Essay -- Film Movie Movies
â€Å"The Last Samurai†is a film centered around the idea of journeying physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. We witness these journeys not only through observations of a character going through a personal transformation but a whole culture around him who is likewise in turmoil. This film allows us to join in on an adventure and journey of the character, the world he enters and the people he meets. The story is based on a time just after the Civil War, a time when the modern western world which had just encroached upon the American West, condemning the Native American, began to engulf traditional Japan as well. The purpose of this film is to give a voice to these people, to share in their struggles and experiences and be enlightened, as the protagonist is, at their way of living and their out look on life and its purpose. The audience is simply people with a connection to the struggles of a culture undergoing rapid changes by modern development. Any person passionate about culture and tradition and simply, any person who can open their mind to a world unknown to them and to learn from it. As well as this we must recognize that it is a Hollywood production and its purpose first and foremost would be entertainment, and being able to satisfy the wants of the majority. The film’s two main characters help convey meanings throughout the entire film about the journeys that are undergone. Katsumoto, the last remaining leader of the Samurai and in particular Captain N... The Last Samurai Essay -- Film Movie Movies â€Å"The Last Samurai†is a film centered around the idea of journeying physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. We witness these journeys not only through observations of a character going through a personal transformation but a whole culture around him who is likewise in turmoil. This film allows us to join in on an adventure and journey of the character, the world he enters and the people he meets. The story is based on a time just after the Civil War, a time when the modern western world which had just encroached upon the American West, condemning the Native American, began to engulf traditional Japan as well. The purpose of this film is to give a voice to these people, to share in their struggles and experiences and be enlightened, as the protagonist is, at their way of living and their out look on life and its purpose. The audience is simply people with a connection to the struggles of a culture undergoing rapid changes by modern development. Any person passionate about culture and tradition and simply, any person who can open their mind to a world unknown to them and to learn from it. As well as this we must recognize that it is a Hollywood production and its purpose first and foremost would be entertainment, and being able to satisfy the wants of the majority. The film’s two main characters help convey meanings throughout the entire film about the journeys that are undergone. Katsumoto, the last remaining leader of the Samurai and in particular Captain N...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Egyptian Life :: essays research papers
Egypt’s pyramids are the oldest stone buildings in the world. They were built nearly five thousand years ago. More than 80 pyramids still stand today. Most have secret passageways, hidden rooms, ramps, bridges, shaft, concealed entrances and concealed doorways. The pyramids weren’t built for exploring, but for a very serious purpose. The Egyptians believed very strongly in after-life. They wanted to preserve their bodies to continue living in the after-world, so they had pyramids built to protect the tombs. Along with the tomb would be all the goods needed to survive in the after-life. The Egpytians also thought that in order to pass into the everlasting paradise, you had to go through an under-world, which consisted of demons and monsters. Well, for safe passage through this, you needed a book of spells; therefore a copy of The Book of the Dead would be placed in each tomb as well.      The tombs weren’t always as nice as the pyramids. The first form of burial was in shallow pits in the desert. There, the hot sand preserved them. Around 3000 bc mastabas, large, flat-topped tombs, were first introduced by the high officials. It wasn’t until 2700 bc that the first pyramid would be built. That is known as the Step Pyramid. This had two purposes: a royal tomb and a temple for worshipping the spirit of the dead king. Around 1600 bc, robbers had raided the tombs of all the valuables. It wasn’t until after this time that kings thought their bodies would be safer in tombs cut from solid rock.      Ancient Egpyt seemed like the perfect place for building pyramids. It was a long, narrow, fertile strip of land. It had natural barriers to protect the land from invaders. There were deserts to the east and west, delta marshes to the north and rapids on the Nile to the south. These all allowed workers to work in peace and security. But building them from this position was difficult. A great supply of raw materials were needed. There were plenty of limestone, sandstone and granite but it was all in quarries far away.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Harvard business review Essay
For each team, by submitting the document online, you claim that the document is original from your own idea. Each team must work on the assignments independently. All the materials submitted will be checked for plagiarism electronically. For more information, please refer to Should you have questions and concerns in regards to plagiarism, you should contact the course coordinator immediately. Content Tutorial III consists of two parts. The first part includes case discussion while the second part focuses on the feedback to the common mistakes in the intermediate exam. Requirements First, all the students are required to be present and participate in the discussion. Second, all the students are required to read the following two cases: Case Part A: Toyotaâ€â€Under†the†Radar Recall Response on Page 346 of the textbook; Case – Quality Parts Company on Page 426 of the textbook. Each team is required to write a case note for these two cases. In the case note, you need to give answers to the questions proposed in the corresponding cases. The length of the case note is at most three A4 pages with font size 12 and 1.5 line space, excluding the figure of value stream mapping. For Case – Quality Parts Company, you are NOT required to answer Question 2 and 3. Instead, you need to draw a value stream map for the production process of Model Z based on the symbols which can be found in exhibit 12.3 on Page 409 in the text book. Suppose that customers order every month. After orders are realized, Quality Parts Company orders from suppliers every month. The company does weekly delivery. Inspection is immediately executed after assembly. Every week a production plan is generated which serves as a template for the daily planning activities performed by the production manager. How much value-added time and how much non-value-added time can be found in the production process? Note that you have to ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼1 use Microsoft Visio 2010 to draw the VSM. Otherwise, no mark is given. You can directly copy the diagram from Visio to Word. Presentation Team 7 of all the groups and Team 12 of IEM groups should present Toyota. Team 8 of all the groups and Team 13 of IEM groups should present Quality Parts. Team 9 of Group 2, 5, 7 should present Quality Parts. The teams present separately. Each presentation takes five minutes. Please use Microsoft Powerpoint to prepare your presentation and the number of slides is at most 5. Please copy your powerpoint file into a USB stick and bring it to the tutorial. To prepare the presentation for cases, you need to present the solutions to the questions proposed in the case description and give a convincing argument for your solutions. The performance of your presentation will be counted for class participation. Submission Your assignment will be graded only if it is submitted online in the fold of Assignment on Nestor by the deadline and a hard copy is passed to your tutorial teacher in class. The deadline is by 24:00 on October 15. Note that write down your names and student numbers at the first page of your document. For the case note, please name your file as groupnumber_teamnumber_case, such as g1_t1_case. Please print your file with a double†sided format. For your presentation file, you only need to give the hard copy of your slides to your tutorial teacher. Topic
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Consumer Councils in India Essays
Consumer Councils in India Essays Consumer Councils in India Essay Consumer Councils in India Essay Hence, because of all this, safeguarding consumer interests is a very important process for the government. Owing to all these, consumers consideration and protection has been taken care of since ancient times. During recent times, or contemporary times in India, the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is one of the most important things to have happened as it introduced a quasi-Judicial consumer dispute redressed mechanism for the first time which consists of Central Consumer Councils, State Consumer Council and District Consumer Council. Now in this research paper the researchers are going to deal with these consumer councils and how they deal with furthering and safeguarding the consumer interests in India. For this reason, various cases which the Councils have discussed has been put into this research paper to UT forth how the consumer interests are being taken care of. This research paper moves on after discussing about Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and the various councils set up under it. It also talks about consumer dispute redressed agencies set up under this act. Overall, there have been many other consumer protection laws, but they have all taken a backseat once the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 came upfront and this research paper mainly deals with the same. With all these new products stepping into the market with its new goods and services, consumer rights and interests have to be protected and when protection is needed, acts like Consumer Protection Act, 1986 come up and also these acts are modified as was done with this act in 1991, 1993 and 2002. Hence, this research project discusses every important change that came up and the need for it to further protect the consumer interests in India. Like adulterated food is dangerous to life. Further, in the words of Winfield: The principle has been extended from articles of food and drink and includes, inter alai, kiosks, hair dye, tombstones, industrial chemicals, toys, motor cars, lifts and scented erasers and poisonous pencils. the right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods or revise : It is to save consumers from false descriptions about the quality and quantity of the goods, exaggerated and misleading information about the goods power. Iii) the right of accession to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices : This right is based upon the belief that the consumers should be given wider choice through free competition and it is the best way to improve the quality and value for money. If a shopkeeper leaves no choice for the consumer but to buy a particular good only, the helpless consumer can bring the matter in front the council. He right to due attention at a ppropriate forums : Prior to the Consumer Protection Act, consumers had to approach the civil court for the settlement of the grievance which would take years. It frustrates the objective of right to speedy and simple remedy. Thus it is duty of the council to see that the consumer is heard and receives due consideration. (v) the right to seek redressed against exploitation, and restrictive and unfair trade practices : The consumer has the right to seek redressed against unscrupulous exploitation, and restrictive or unfair trade practices. Booking of a marriage lawn on non-refundable deposit has been led to be an unfair trade practice. V) the right to consumer education : For the proper functioning of the law, it is necessary that the people are aware of their legal rights. The Council has been charged with the responsibility of rendering consumers conscious of their rights and power under the act. The enforcement of these objectives is on various authorities under the Act. Independently of the administrative proceedings, individual consumers would have a right of action for damages, specific performance, a declaration, injunction and an ord er for the replacement or reparation of the goods.
Monday, October 21, 2019
society and individuals essays
society and individuals essays Society and individuals do not denote separable phenomena, but are simply collective and distributive aspects of the same thing. In this aspect of his theory Charles Horton Cooley states that the individual or person is actually a part of a larger individual called society. With that statement I will discuss Cooleys theory and explain my reaction to the theory. Cooley states that a persons self grows out of a persons commerce with others. Well doesnt that create a society? A persons individual self put together with millions of others selves equals a society. So where does an image that society want, come from? One person? In my opinion most individuals are afraid to express their own opinion. Thus creating a free market on the opinion. One person comes up with the opinion and the rest of society, if they feel it is not harmful to themselves, goes along with the opinion. This creates separate subculture in society such as the punk subculture or the thug subculture. Because one person was willing to put spikes in his hair for an outrageous reaction, others followed to express them selves with out being an individual but being an individual society. In the thug subculture does in make you hard to wear clothes to big? If it does, than how do today's youth in middle class suburbia sport that style, they have never lived in the ghetto and exp erienced things like true thugs have. In this manner peoples individual selfs have come from whom they interact with. Supporting Cooleys theory. The only problem with this idea is that it leaves the idea of originality to be an outcast on society. Being different from every one is a call for prejudice, harassment, and being left out of societys in crowd. We should be able to see a person for their accomplishments and their abilities. ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Hook †Your Magic Tool for Grabbing Reader`s Attention
Hook – Your Magic Tool for Grabbing Reader`s Attention How to Write a Hook for Essay A successful essay introduction should include the following elements – background information, thesis statement and, of course, an attention grabber or a hook. It is a wonderful tool, with the use of which you will be able to make your readers want to read on. A hook is like a bridge that will transport your reader into the world of your essay. In the era of excessive information, it is very important to make the first sentences of your paper really catching and exciting. That is why you need a great essay hook. Types of Hooks and Their Examples Use the literary quote that inspires you. It is a great choice if the subject of your essay is literature. For example: "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it." - Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird Make a startling statement. Impress your audience with the unexpected thought. For example: â€Å"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist†or â€Å"To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting†Provide your readers with shocking numbers and statistics. Prove that the issue you are investigating is global in character. For example: â€Å"800 Million people go to beds without eating anything†or â€Å"850 Million don’t have access to clean water and 2.5 Billion do not have proper sanitation†Ask your readers a rhetorical question. Make them think about some problems. For example: â€Å"If humans evolved from apes or chimps, why are the chimps and apes still here?†or â€Å"How can you mend a broken heart?†Use contradictions in your essay to build complexity. For example: â€Å"The same people who assert never to have stolen all their lives, download thousands of dollars worth of pirated software and media over the Internet†or â€Å"The same people who've spent more time than most of us flying around the earth are proportionately more likely to insist fossil fuel consumption is a very grave problem†Use a famous metaphor to make your readers interested in your essay. For example: â€Å"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life†or â€Å"If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it†Definition can also be a good essay hook. For example: â€Å"Tolerance is a sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own†Reveal a common misconception to surprise your readers. For example: â€Å"All humans learn in similar ways. There is no evidence that people have different learning styles, nor that different teaching styles improve information retention†or â€Å"In addition to sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing, humans can sense at least 20 things including balance, acceleration, position, pain, temperature, pressure, and thirst†Tips on How to Write a Good Hook for Essay The type of essay hook you choose should be appropriate and relevant. Your hook should look natural in the context. The transition from the hook to the thesis statement should be smooth. It is important to consider your audience before you decide which type of hook is better for your essay. Do some planning before writing a strong essay hook. A good hook should fir your style, tone and writing frame. Your hook should sound thought-provoking. You should remember that writing a good hook means writing well from the very start. But what to do if you still have troubles with these attention grabbers? In such cases we recommend you to read essay writer reviews and choose the writing service that would help you make your essay truly interesting and worth reading.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Exam questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Exam questions - Essay Example Futures contracts can be transferred between parties. Futures have advantages similar to those mentioned for forwards. Currency Options involves a contract for a fee (premium + commission), sold by one party to another that provides the buyer the right, although not the obligation, to purchase or sell a specified amount of a single currency for a given amount in another at an agreed-on price within a given period of time or on an exact date. Its advantage is that it protect against downside risk in addition to allowing upside appreciation. Currency Swaps on the other hand is an agreement by two corporations to exchange specified amounts of currency currently and to reverse the exchange at a given point in the future. A currency swap might not incorporate an initial exchange, in which instance it would incorporate one or multiple payments during the swap’s life in addition to a final exchange. This option helps in minimizing the costs of foreign conversion while client is secur ed against exchange rate risk. Additionally, it costs nothing to enter into a swap. Back-to-Back Loans is a form of loan where two corporations in different nations borrow offsetting amounts in individual’s currency. The aim of this transaction is to hedge against fluctuations in the currencies. It key benefit is that it allows one to gain from approved spot limits. A Non-deliverable forward contract is a form of agreement between parties where one (an individual) is protected against undesirable rates in foreign exchange. Generally, it is a cash settled transaction and as such there are no real exchange of currencies at maturity. Essentially, a net payment is made by one of the parties to the other on basis of the contracted rate alongside the market rate at the day of settlement. It effectively involves hedging of expected foreign currency cash flows. Simply put, a contract rate is agreed up-front, alongside the fixing rate (and the corresponding fixing date). The contract rate is made use of in calculation of the amount payable on the nominated date of maturity. It is important to mention that an NDF may is useful in management of currency risks related to exportation and importation of goods, foreign currency purchase, conversion of foreign currency denominated dividends, or in settlement of other foreign currency contractual agreements. It is more particularly useful in instances where physical exchange is not necessary on the maturity date or in instances where a foreign central bank puts some limit to offshore access to its local cash niche. It should be put into use in instances where one has a genuine commercial necessity to manage currency risks linked to a particular pair of currency. Q2: The strike price of an equity option in popular plc is 380p and the premium was 24p per share. The current market price of a share in the company is 410p. The exercise date is still over one month away. Calculate the profit or loss on one contract to date fo r: A long call A long put A short call A short put If the market price of shares in popular rose explains how, and why, the premium would alter as a result for: i) a long call The profit made by the trader will increase. This is due to the fact
Friday, October 18, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8
Summary - Essay Example In the same manner, ESL students are likely to acquire English with difficulty if the lessons are overly focused on grammar skills development at the expense of content. For music study to be worthwhile, therefore, students must study sheet music and at the same time actually play the instrument that interests them. For ESL students, the musical keys and notes are the language while the actual playing of the musical instrument is the content. Language and content must go together for a more efficient ESL teaching, especially in countries being swept by globalization like Korea where interest in English is growing but where the first or native language has an alphabet with wide phonetic distance and the popular ESL teaching method is characterized by rote memorization. This sums up the whole content of the paper, which argues that content-based instruction (CBI) can push ESL instruction in Korea to a higher level. It says that by shifting its language-centered practice of ESL instruction with one that integrates language and content, Korea will keep in step with the modern trend in this field and make ESL study in the country more efficient.
The Issue of Embodiment where Competing Sociological Positions have Essay
The Issue of Embodiment where Competing Sociological Positions have been Taken with Reference to Patriarchy, Gender, and Choice - Essay Example The issue of male dominance was not very relevant in a world that was primitive and full of physical dangers. In such a society, physical strength was considered to be important rather than intellect. It was only when the concept of safety and protection became orderly and came under the ambit of a written law that was enforced by a government that physical strength became less important. It could have been due to this that women became aware that they were not treated equally in many respects by the opposite sex. As mentioned earlier, the demand for the right to vote became one of the early expressions of dissent. The concept of male dominance appears in one of the basic psychological and social needs of human beings, namely religion. In Western religion, even the concept of God is based on masculinity. God is said to have told Adam that he had been created in the same image as the creator himself. â€Å"The god-head of this system was to be a male. This male god was endowed with a ll the creative abilities of man.†(Gardiner 2009). The religious contention that man was created in God’s image may be one of the basic underlying factors that made a man believe that he is superior to women and hence has the right to control her. In later years, the church also played a role in this regard. â€Å"Towards 1000 A.D. the Roman Catholic Church in Europe took an increasingly negative and ambivalent stance towards women. Evil was seen to come to the world through women, women’s sexuality was seen as impure and priests were required to leave their wives and stay celibate.†(Mikkola 2005, p.6). The role of women in religion, the church, and the society was also severely curtailed during that time. Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Social Work Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Social Work Methods - Essay Example This definition bears a common denominator to most definitions of social casework, definitions which, given by sociologists, do not derive from any traditional social construction, but from a methodology formulated for the sole purpose of reinstating the social situations of particular groups or individuals in a statement by Periman. â€Å"Casework begins with a study phase to clarify the facts of the problem, followed by a diagnosis during which the practitioner analyzes the facts; casework finishes with treatment, during which the practitioner and client attempt to resolve the problem.†Prominent among the applications of social casework theory are those of its Anti-oppressive Practice (AOP). AOP is directed towards the sanitisation and restoration of the society to justice and human dignity, and seeks to eliminate the three recognised forms of oppression; namely, structural, cultural, and personal. Social caseworkers, therefore, take special interest in situations involving any of these three forms, and work conscientiously to address the specific injustices or traditional eccentricities in the situation in hand. Through AOP, they work towards the restoration of the oppressor party or parties to a sense of equity, seek to compensate the oppressed for oppressive damages, and, through enlightenment of both the oppressed and the oppressor about the proprieties and codes that do or should regulate human interrelationship, offer an uplift to societal human relations. â€Å"Anti-oppressive practice entails workers both acknowledging and challenging these three levels of oppression-structural, cultural and personal-in their daily practice. This understanding is incorporated into social work and welfare practice with clients by actively using strategies to bring about change at all three levels.†(Ronnie Egan, Jane Maidment; Allen & Unwin, 2004,
Final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 8
Final paper - Essay Example France is noted to have been the first state in Western Europe to remove the sanction placed on homosexuality, 1791. It is important to note the existence of a mental condition, which hinders one from realizing their true sexual orientation, thus leaving them thoroughly confused. This mostly occurs at the youth stage where one is most vulnerable to the influences of the world. Derald Wing Sue and David Sue (2013) describe the struggle by for individuals who realize that the expected social norms are not in line with their internal thoughts and feelings on the subject. There are groups set out in the world ill-equipped to handle the name-calling, bullying and numerous other offences that are dished out to them. Physical violence is not unheard of for anti-‘something extremists who believe the world would do better without the smaller minorities (Saewyc et al., 2006). Israelites were highly discriminated by the Nazis in the era of Hitler; the black Americans have had a long history of discrimination before they were finally accepted. These are only a minor fraction of the numerous discrimination cases that can be exemplified for the benefit of the context. However, the common factor that stands out is their devious behavior to natural norms and lack of conformity. This makes them easy targets for wrong-minded individuals who believe that they are supposed to be the predominant group. In most countries, the LGBT community has been accepted legally. However, facts on the ground indicate that there is a sort of cold war between them and extremist who refuse to accept them regardless of law. This creates a stigmatized community with little to no voice depending on the location. Despite proof of the community having existed in the society for as far back as millennia BC, the human nature seeks to root out any irregularities in the system. These are the deviants and those who seem to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Social Work Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Social Work Methods - Essay Example This definition bears a common denominator to most definitions of social casework, definitions which, given by sociologists, do not derive from any traditional social construction, but from a methodology formulated for the sole purpose of reinstating the social situations of particular groups or individuals in a statement by Periman. â€Å"Casework begins with a study phase to clarify the facts of the problem, followed by a diagnosis during which the practitioner analyzes the facts; casework finishes with treatment, during which the practitioner and client attempt to resolve the problem.†Prominent among the applications of social casework theory are those of its Anti-oppressive Practice (AOP). AOP is directed towards the sanitisation and restoration of the society to justice and human dignity, and seeks to eliminate the three recognised forms of oppression; namely, structural, cultural, and personal. Social caseworkers, therefore, take special interest in situations involving any of these three forms, and work conscientiously to address the specific injustices or traditional eccentricities in the situation in hand. Through AOP, they work towards the restoration of the oppressor party or parties to a sense of equity, seek to compensate the oppressed for oppressive damages, and, through enlightenment of both the oppressed and the oppressor about the proprieties and codes that do or should regulate human interrelationship, offer an uplift to societal human relations. â€Å"Anti-oppressive practice entails workers both acknowledging and challenging these three levels of oppression-structural, cultural and personal-in their daily practice. This understanding is incorporated into social work and welfare practice with clients by actively using strategies to bring about change at all three levels.†(Ronnie Egan, Jane Maidment; Allen & Unwin, 2004,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
California Vaccine Mandate Bill Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
California Vaccine Mandate Bill - Research Paper Example Initially, the philosophical exemption law protected some groups of Americans against mandatory vaccination based on their religious and philosophical perspectives of them. It means that while it is almost necessary that children are vaccinated before they enter school, some children were exempted. However, the California vaccine mandate bill will eliminate the privilege starting 2016 (McGreevy, 2015). Therefore, the implication of the new bill is that families with negative religious beliefs will no longer be exempted. The new bill demands that a greater number of Californian children is vaccinated before they enter schools. According to the LA Times (April 22, 2015), the Senate passed the legislation on Wednesday 28, 2015 and will become a law beginning 2016 (McGreevy, 2015). The bill also provides that have negative perception of vaccines as a way of protecting their interests. There is a question of how suitable the proposed legislation is towards safeguarding of the rights of re ligious minorities in the state. While there is an acknowledgement of the rights of minority groups in the state, the new legislation will undermine such a privilege. The rationale for the deduction is that as some parents already complained, the number of children in schools will go lower. The reasoning is simple because parents with such beliefs will opt to keep their children away from schools as a way of protecting their interests. Some may argue that the legislation provides for parents with such opinions to home school their children.
Decreased Regulation Essay Example for Free
Decreased Regulation Essay The relaxation of regulation laws though the program would result to various positive trends within the region. This is because the program is targeting to streamline regulations systems in the continent, that is, from the traditional models of using forcing communities and other stakeholders into using mechanisms developed at regional level. Using this new program, policies would be developed and implemented in accordance with local demands. This will remove inefficiencies that develop from the application of measures that are not meant for certain localities. In this regard, it shall be possible for communities to use only the measures that would have positive results. Having local communities develop measures that would lead to efficient implementation of pollution control plans in their respective providing incentives for local stakeholders to participates in these processes. For instance, the move from licences for waste management would help in attracting smaller players in the industry. It has to be understood that these small players could be the best positioned to meet local demands. In that regard, the communities would have aided in the implementation of measures that would have otherwise been a hard task. The inclusion of many players in the industry would foster competition that would further help in developing innovations in the pollution market, which has rarely happed historically. The innovation accruing from the practice of this medium would lead to greater efficiency in different segments of pollution control market. In addition, the innovation would lead to development of procedures that best meet the demands of the peopleâ€â€this develops from fact that individual communities have different needs that cannot be met by the traditional one size fits all model. In addition, having individual communities take care of their problems and employing best practices would lead to better solutions and in speedy manner. This is based on fact that communities will not have to go to the national and EU level to search for solutions. Indeed, they will just have top communicate to local leaders who would quickly adopt the necessary mechanisms leading to proper solutions. This means that local communities will be in a greater position to solve their own problems without having to run for external help. All these would lead to the empowerment of communities with responsibilities of their own affairs. Since communities would be the ones to pay costs of failure, there is high tendency for local leaders to ensure that pollution control through preventative measures become the bottom-line. In addition, it shall be possible for members of these communities to gauge their performance with other localities. This would most likely be achieved through competition among neighbourhoods, cities and nations. The decentralisation of decision making and implementation processes would further lead to greater participation of stakeholders at all level of pollution control. In this case, it shall be possible for localities to improve their performance of pollution control measures, reason being that member countries would enable their localities to deal with problems.
Monday, October 14, 2019
How Relevant Are the Early Theories of Le Bon and Freud?
How Relevant Are the Early Theories of Le Bon and Freud? How relevant are the early theories of Le Bon and Freud in comparison to more contemporary theories of crowds? One of the earliest theories of crowd behaviour was presented by Gustav Le Bon in 1895, which he referred to as group mind theory (Le Bon, 1895). He viewed crowd behaviour as acting according to primitive impulses which are lacking in reasoning and rationality. Le Bon proposed that individuals in a crowd behave in accordance with a ‘law of mental unity of crowds’ and no longer identify themselves as individuals, instead becoming anonymous members of a group who lose their sense of self and responsibilities (Bendersky, 2007). They become easily aroused or agitated, and descend into barbarism whereby individual conscience is overtaken by the ‘law of mental unity’ (Le Bon, 1908). Due to their large numbers and anonymity, the crowd gains a sense of strength and power, leading to a ‘special state, which much resembles the state of fascination in which the hypnotised individual finds himslf in the hands of the hypnotiser’ (Le Bon, 1908; Ginneken, 1992 : 131), rendering the individual no longer conscious of his actions. Despite its lack of evidence, Le Bon’s ‘mob psychology’ became a popular theory and continues to be a powerful social influence, including by those in authority (Banyard, 1989). Similarly to Le Bon, Freud (1922) proposed that the collective mind is led almost exclusively by the unconscious. According to Freud (1922), the crowd ‘unlocks’ the individual unconscious mind; the super ego, or conscience, which he maintained controls civilised behaviours, is exceeded by the uncivilised id impulses, or instinctual drive part of the psyche, as provoked by the leader of the crowd. Likened to the hypnosis state identified by Le Bon, identification with and desire for approval from the leader suspends the super ego (Freud, 1922) and associated normal judgement subdues the internalised values of right and wrong and impulse control. Interestingly, Freud identifies that crowd members accept the influence of the group due to a need to feel in harmony with the power the group and its leader exerts, observed in later studies of conformity (Hogg Vaughan, 2005). In later years, Freud (1949) moves beyond his basic drive theory towards the acknowledgment and importa nce of social relationships, such as that of the family, leading to advancements in the area of object relations. Le Bon’s observations of the behaviour of crowds led to the development of a concept referred to as deindividuation, which was first introduced in the 1950s (Festinger et al. 1952). While early theories of crowds suggested that they acted as a primitive mob, Deindividuation theory formed a modern counterpart to this idea. Zimbardo (1969) based his approach largely on Le Bon’s general perspective by proposing that people in crowds experience deindividuation; a loss of their own personal identity, enabling them to merge anonymously into the crowd. His proposal that this loss of identity means that primitive, uncivilised tendencies emerge and people are then prepared to act in ways that are aggressive, cruel and anti-social, compared to how they may act as individuals, is similar to the early observations and theories put forward by both Le Bon and Freud. Early explanations of the effects of deindividuation suggested that a reduced sense of public accountability weakens the normal restraints against impulsive and aggressive behaviour (Festinger et al. 1952; Zimbardo, 1969). Explanations of deindividuation have however evolved over the decades; from a focus on loss to the finding that cues that are specific to the situation evoke social norms that guide behaviour within anonymous groups, leading to a reformulation of the mental processes involved in deindividuation (Diener, 1980). This view holds that situations that reduced public accountability, such as group size (Mann, 1981) and anonymity, do not simply lead to a loss of the salience of people’s personal identities but leads to the loss of objective self-awareness (Diener, 1980). The salience of group identities is enhanced and consequently, individuals in the crowd are more responsive to tensions within the group, increasing the potential for disorder (Schweingruber, 2000). This more recent explanation suggests that these same features of group situations promote greater conformity to situation-specific social norms. Emergent norm theory represented a shift from the earlier theories which focussed on pathological crowd behaviour (Reicher, 2001), by considering crowd behaviour as a norm-governed behaviours which are evident in all types of groups. According to Turner Killian (1972), the fact that a crowd has no formal organisation to regulate behaviour makes it distinctive. The uniformity of the crowd is an illusion created by the distinct actions of prominent crowd members (Turner, 1964). These acts imply a norm, and consequently there is a pressure to conform to these norms, which is likely to increase the potential for antisocial behaviour (Cabinet Office, 2009). Emergent norm theory one of the first to refer to crowd behaviour as normal (Reicher, 2001) and allows researchers to consider collective action and behaviour as normal social processes which possess internal coherence, bound by rules and norms. It does not however account for cultural variations in crowd behaviours (Reicher, 2001). The social identity model of crowd behaviour is based on social identity theory and self-categorisation theory (Turner et al. 1987). Social Identity Theory (SIT) differs from the other positions, in stressing that control of the crowd occurs via a new shared social identity (Reicher, 1996a; Stott Reicher, 1998a) rather than a loss of identity or of control over their behaviours. It proposes that when social identity is salient, group behaviour will occur irrespective of anonymity and that people interact with other people as representatives of their social group, which acts as an interface which shape their interactions (Reicher, 2001). Importantly, SIT proposes that control comes from the individual rather than from pressure from others, so when an individual identifies with the crowd, they accept and adhere to the crowd norms as their own. As with Emergent Theory, the norms are evident in the cultural, ideological, political and situationally constructed norms. The SIT fundamental principle of a shared social identity has remained an important concept in subsequent studies of individual behaviours within crowds. Le Bon’s early theories about crowd behaviour led to important research within the area of crowd behaviour and remains important due to the influence his perspective has had in later and more recent theories of collective and crowd behaviours. His general perspective was used in the research on deindividuation, which conveys the power of situations in determining people’s behaviour in a variety of large group situations and remains prominent in the study of group behaviour (Reicher et al. 1995). However, it makes implicit value judgements about crowds, dwells on loss, and suggests that people in crowds lose all manner of rational thinking. While it appears that deindividuation plays a role in understanding the antisocial behaviour tendencies of crowds, research into crowds and the way that people in crowds perceive what is happening, suggests that his theory is not as powerful as described. Freud’s (1922) Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego is one of his most significant contributions to understanding mass psychology and led to many subsequent studies on mass psychology and group dynamics. More recent studies suggest that crowd behaviour is more rational and structured that it is often presented as being. Contemporary theories of crowd behaviour discard the specifics of these earlier approaches and instead move this area of study forward by considering how a norm emerges from within the crowd, which enabled social psychologists to view collective behaviour as a social process bound by social norms. Social Identity Theory enables understanding of the order and purpose of the crowd in terms of the common identity of its members. Theories of crowd behaviour, such as SIT (Tajfel Turner, 1979) and deindividuation theory (Festinger et al. 1952) suggest that crowds often behave in a common manner in yielding to the social influence of the crowd (Myers, 2005). Individual crowd members do however differ in their vulnerability to social influence therefore variables within the situational context may influence behavioural outcomes. Theories of crowd behaviours have significantly evolved over the decades since the ideas put forward by Le Bon and Freud. They are not taken into account in the consideration of crowd behaviours in the present time like more contemporary theories such as the social identity model of crowd behaviour (Cabinet Office, 2009). However, they do present in the evolution of the associated research in the consideration of the development of the ideas specific to crowd behaviour. With the continued development of theories such as the Social Identity model of Deindividuation Effects (SIDE) (Klein et al. 2007), which retains the fundamental principle of anonymity (Cabinet Office, 2009), and the Elaborated Social Identity Model of crowd behaviour (ESIM) (Drury Reicher, 1999), research is beginning to reach an analysis which brings together many levels of explanation, which is needed within the area of crowd behaviour research.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Neo-Confucianism Essay -- Chinese Philosophy, Ming
Neo-Confucianism, with a goal of keeping unobscured the inborn luminous Virtue [true goodness] of all men throughout the empire[1] and thus establishing a social harmony, was a complex ethical political system governing the society in late Ming China. Adopting the philosophy as their ideological legitimacy, Choson kingdom and Tokugawa shogunate applied it in different settings due to their structure of government and cultural background. However, they both inherited the main elements of the philosophy: the notion of universal principle encouraging people to behave good, five virtues[2], self-cultivation and five hierarchical relationships of society[3]. By means of traditions, rituals, laws, publications, educational institutions and many more, the philosophy was imbibed in the lives of Choson court and Tokugawa samurai. Yet, as it was in Ming China, the governments of these two realms could not always â€Å"control the interests of its people†[4] and make them adhere to the i deology. Complex situations of life together with the fallibility of human nature making people unable to always lead intellectual, moral and aloof life[5] led to gaps between the philosophy and its experiences. The court of Choson kingdom, where the very state orthodoxy should be practiced in its highest level, was ironically also a haven for its conflicts. Extended royal family lived together in the court and exercised filial piety among each other: devotion between all family members including mourning for deceased ones and visits to the ancestral tombs. Lady Hyegyong, in her memoirs, noted many examples of genuine filial devotion in the royal family; that of King Yongjo himself preparing medicine for his ill stepmother, Queen Dowager Inwon[6], and the sa... ...eeping himself to learning and frugality as Mori Yoshiki did. In order to get what he wanted from others, he even could violate the principle of being true to oneself as he imitated committing hara-kiri. Yet, he then regretted the outcome of his easy life while pondering over in his old age and was also startled with the findings that throughout the history, there were many who acted like him and made mistakes. Human beings are mystery to themselves. Through law, through ideology, one can still be not governed. Neo-Confucianism, with its practical appeal, attracted the governments and was applied. Though, as it claims to be, the philosophy could not be practiced naturally as it should be. Some parts were accepted, some not. People were still free on their own. However, Neo-Confucianism could shape lives of people and contributed its share to human civilization.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Superheroes Essay -- essays research papers
When you think of a superhero one normally thinks of Spiderman, Batman, or Superman, but there were superheroes long before these characters were created. First one must understand that the basis of this name is hero. What is a hero? A hero is a person who does something special or out of the ordinary in order to help others. It could also be someone who is admired for a characteristic about them, be it physical or mental. They are individuals that normal everyday people can look up to. This being the case, a superhero is nothing more then someone who is a hero, but not just that once and for that one person, but someone who helps many people, or leads them. As time went by the number of people who were true heroes diminished and just doing something for someone was no longer big news. There had to be something more to make them stand out. The American culture needed someone or something to admire and that is where our common day superheroes come into play. It gave them a goal which could never be reached in hopes that people would never stop trying. When one thinks about it, though it may be hard to believe, superheroes stem from God. This began as early back as Greek gods, then leading to Jesus. Jesus was a seemingly normal man who helped everyone, and led people. He was the ultimate superhero of his time. Once he was gone and became no more than a story passed down from father to son, people began to crave what was new, what was ‘in the now.’ That is when tales of knight...
Friday, October 11, 2019
Chance vs. Fate Essay
Do you ever tried to think, what if chance and fate face a fight? Who do you think would be the winner? And who do you think would be the looser? If one people began to fight his chance and his fate,. Who do you think would make him feel happier? Is it the chance who gave him chance, or is it fate that decide his life. Maybe most of you think that chance would be the obvious winner, for more people is now wanted to take a chance than fate. But how ever what if I told you that fate is stronger than chance? What if I tell you that if you need to choose a choice between chance and fate,. I must tell you that fate is the better choice than chance. That fate can assure you that you’ll never regret for choosing it than chance. For fate must knew the Rightful one than chance. How? Because I had a very interesting story about chance and hope. That made me realized what’s The best choice for me. And this is just happened to me a month ago before December enter the year. Since birth I have a childhood friend that became part of my life. Each and every day we are together. Those days are just passing by and our relationship as friends became more deeper and deeper that I came to the point I fall in love with him secretly. But instead of telling it into him, I decided to not mention my feelings anymore for our friendship has been gone through the years. And I don’t want to ruin that friendship. But fate never gives a consideration, into me. My parents decided to continue my high school at manila, together with my sister. And when my last day in our province came, I let him knew that I was leaving. That time I wanted to tell him the truth. I have the chance but I let it go. I never succeeded telling into him that I really love him. After that event I really hate fate for deciding what for my life. I do really hate it for I was such in a poor condition that time. But two years had passed. No communication for the last two years. And when I spent m y semestrial break in our province after two years, I really did see the things change. When I came back home I saw him. And flashback remains into my head. But instead of smiling into him, I pretend not to see anyone. until he said to me that he was fallen in love with me. But as hearing the soft words he had spoken I cant really imagined that all the old feelings of yesterday is now coming back faster. But of course, I remembered he was my friend. And I like him too. But what the heck? After some month I rejected him even though I loved him. And that he quits on asking. After some month December came a number texted me and ask who it was. But I was shocked It was my classmate since I’m in grade six. If I remembered nothing go right with our relationship as classmate. He was my first crush during my elementary days, I remember how he always make me cry during the time. I remember how he spoke word into me in front of everybody else. I remember it all. We never had the time to speak even a little single word without fighting with each other. Until graduation we never had. And now his here and te lling me if he have the chance. Normally, I won’t forgive him for the past few years for what he has done. I don’t want to forgive him but my heart likes to. And I can’t even understand of all this years, why is the feeling of long old love was coming back again? But then time gives me chance to think of. And I really found out what it has to be. That my classmate is my real one true love for that I have realized that: On our situation of my best friend, we have the very big chance but fate decide. And give me the real answer. And time gave me realization to know what is meant to be. Name: Mariflor B. Villanueva Essay no: 4 Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"My Ambition†I was young when I tell many of my ambition in life. One I must tell, I wanted to be a teacher because, I wanted to wrote on the board and make my student copy what I write. I also told my mom that I wanted to become a scientist someday because I wanted to be famous and known as a knowledgeable person. Some days, I shouted I wanted to become a business woman it because, I wanted to hold money. I wanted to be a house designer because I wanted to create my own house. I wanted to become a fashion designer it because, I want to make some gowns and wedding dress. So many to mention when I was kid. Too many ambition and many reasons why I wanted to be something like that. Imagine. When I was kid I have many dreams and ambition having some many reasons to tell. I am a dreamer girl when I was kid. But now how, I wonder so many things. I questioned all what I have said during my days of childhood. I don’t want to be a teacher because what I heard nowadays is just: â€Å"just take education, you don’t have enough knowledge†what they mean is that teachers nowadays is just not that famous now. I don’t wish to be scientist for I already know, I can’t be a knowledgeable person. I will never take the path of being a business woman because I don’t know math at all. I will never wish to be a house designer for I am no good at sketching a house. And most. I never imagined myself being a fashion designer for that I donâ €™t wanted anymore to take that job for I believe it wasn’t my future. I have nothing now. I have nothing now to say what I wanted to be in the near future. I can’t just imagined myself of a perfect ambition. All my dreams in my childhood days fade away and if I’m a dreamer in my childhood days, now I feel I am now so useless of the community to think what I wanted. I don’t feel like I belong to any course I have think. Now I am just a little girl without a dream for her future. Until I accidentally broke a glass. I saw the glass shinning when it is in the sun. I imagined it as a diamond sparkling. And the idea came to my mind. How about if, I try to make it a jewellery? Like necklace? It is nice to have an own sketched necklace right? So I took the broken glass I search some metals that can be fold, and an old rope of necklace. I took some help with my uncle for chaining the pattern I did. And he well made it very nice. At the end, I was so happy it was my own crafted jewellery. Starting that day, I decided to be a jewellery designer. Not because I am inspired doing some Jewellery, or just I wanted to be famous in e veryone, but now†¦ I suddenly realized how to have a good ambition and reason. My reason that, I wanted to became a jewellery designer someday not because of anything but I do want to become jewellery designer because, I want someday to see people wearing my designs around their neck, their arms, their finger, and such many else. I wanted to become a merely jewellery designer to see how people love my designs. That was my ambition and my reasons for why I liked to become what I am dreaming now. Name: Najeeb A. Imam Essay no: 3 Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"To be the Highest†When I was young, I said to myself that I wanted to be having the highest position. Highest that No one will reach me as I am. And that I thought that to be the highest I must need to be the President of this country. To rule anyone, to make this country more successful more than any Other country. But I was wrong knowing out that to be a president you’re not consider as a high Person. I realized inside myself. So I change what I wanted. And now, I said to be the highest I need to be a successful doctor. Because doctor saves life. Doctor saves many lives of human. Without a doctor everyone will be sick and there will be more people dying. But realizing to be A doctor is not the path in a way to be the highest. But what I had realize this pass few years that To be one of the highest person, you don’t need to be a president, doctor, scientist, engineer or What so ever. Because I realized, to be the highest person, you must have to be a teacher for everyone. In order To be a successful man, I need to be a teacher. Because teacher is the highest position all this Time. Why teacher? Maybe you’re wondering my teacher? Well it because, without a teacher, There will no presidents, no engineer, no scientist, no doctor, and no one. Because to be in one Great position, you would first need to learn something. To have a knowledge in order to be a Successful man. All o the knowledge of the workers now, is well made by a great teacher. A Great teacher that lead them to the right path. A nice teacher that teach everything in to her/his Student. That is why, I decided to be someday, I wanted to be a teacher. Not just an ordinary teacher but I wanted to be the teacher of everyone. Who will teach, and lead everyone in the right path. I I wanted to be a teacher it because for me teacher is the best. For me no one would ever compare The value of a teacher to the value of other. For teacher, knows the best, teacher lead the way, a teacher who’s gonna lead her/his student in The right path. A teacher that everybody loves. And if someday I will be a successful teacher I promised that I will teach the value of a teacher. Name: Najeeb A. Imam Essay no: 4 Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"To write†If you wanted to write a something, a poem, a paragraph, or an essay, how did you write freely? Do you usually, express you’re feeling at what you are writing? Or do you just write too Generally? If you will ask me how I write or how I wrote just like this, I would tell you that just write what You feel, and write like youâ⠂¬â„¢re just sharing. Don’t be so afraid if you will commit a mistake Don’t be shy for its everybody face mistake. If you wanted to write nicely that you want to show The world what have written don’t be so afraid. Because it is not in grammar, or penmanship, Can test how really good you are in writing or expressing idea. It is not tested by how you wrote Long, or how many incredible word do you know, but definitely it is not tested on how you’ve Written a thousand words. To test that you are good in writing, is not based on how you wrote your essay, your poem, your Paragraph. But the real question here is that†¦ How many people have been interested to read what you have written? How many of them Appreciate it? How many of them did tell you you’re writing is amazing. The question is how Many readers did you gain when you shared you’re essay? Are they are few? Or they are just as Many? Because in writing essay, a thousand word is not the point. A beautiful penmanship is not the Requirements here. But it is the one that commonly tested here is by how you’re e ssay your Poem, your paragraph, inspired other? Essay is tested by which you write the importance of your Topic. Essay depend in what is its components and substance. An essay, depends to what larger Meaning you have according to the topic. An essay depends to what it its substance. If it has a good meaning, or it just an essay that have nonsense things. If I am about to ask you, What contains your essay? Are you that willing to say that you’re essay is nice and meaningful? Or you will just crumpled it because you didn’t write at all instead you just earn some thousand Word that has no meaning at all. My dearest reader, of this essay that I wrote, I hope you all get what’s my point in here. I hope That you get what I said and what I had taught you. That a real essay don’t contain million words Or beautiful penmanship, but a real essay is one of the great things, that no matter how short Your essay is†¦ if you have the most meaningful one then don’t be shy. For once again, essay is not to earn a million words but essay is for the a better meaning that Insp ire other to write some. Name: Kins Jonas Go Essay no: Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"Cellphone†As our worlds began to change to be a modern one, many have change. So many things that help Us through our daily living, electricity, transportation, and technology. It is good to think we are Now totally modern. That through the years we all now have the change. And one proof of it is the cell phone we use. Don’t you think the maker of cell phones is clever? Because in some other way, he/she used to invented a very interesting one. A very useful one to Us. Because without this technology maybe we are having hardships through communication. If there were no phones, can you imagine life? Well I think no right? Because our modern world Now is, full of phones. Everywhere you can see it. And maybe half of our population now is Having a phones now. Can you imagine how important phones are? Can you imagine how they are important to people Now? Students! For students like me, it is important because I used to used phones from my Daily living. Because the benefits that it gives me is very helpful to me. Very helpful that you Can call if there is emer gency. You can take communication when you miss your mom or your Dad when they are far away. Using cell phones you don’t worry that much with communication. So it is. Indeed phones are useful but in any other way it was harmful. Why? It because some User of phones use phones in a harmful one. They used phones for blackmails for someone, they Used phones to bully someone, they used phones to harm someone. The phones are not just safe. Because in any other way, it has a harmful effects that affect Everyone. When the phone made the user addicted so much, some possibilities may occur that a students Who use phones will destroy his path in studies. That was a negative effect to a students. Someytimes or somehow I wanted to warn everyone that one thing has a limitation. It couldn’t Be good forever. Like phones. Phones brings harmful and useful effect into us. Name: Kins Jonas Go Essay no: 4 Date: December 6 2012 â€Å"A diary†What is a diary? Did you ever tried to write one? How was the feeling of keeping a diary? Did you use to let everyone read it? Or do yo u just kept it secretly. A diary is something that a holds to the memories you write each and every day. A diary that Holds so many secret beyond loves, llife, and many more. A diary is something that you write Late at night. A diary is something that holds half personality of someone. And I ever tried to read one. I have already read the diary of Anne Marie Frank. A teen ager girl Who is a Jew. Do you know that at the very young age, Anne use to write diary, a diary that Touches the heart of the readers. A diary that inspired other to write one. As I open and read her diary, I thought she only wrote what’s happening into her daily Life. But I was wrong finding it. Because what she had written is that the memories, of Daily events of her life. That somehow, in her life, and at the very young age, she did to kept A very interesting diary. That how I wished someday, I could just write a diary that inspire others. And if I ever Gonna start to write a diary, I would definitely write the memories I can keep forever. That I can keep until I grew old. That someday when I wrote one I swear that I can inspire everyone Who reads it. That may will listed me to the famous journalist who had left a diaries. And in order to be one of them, starting today, I will never be†¦ afraid to have wrong grammar For that I believe that everybody commits mistake like I do. And isn’t it were you commit Mistake there you gain a little correction? That you’ll learn. And I suddenly realized too that To kept a diary burdens sometimes the problems you feel deep inside. That when you don’t have A friend to be trust you just can’t help but to wrote what you have feel deep inside. That how ever you can assure the you’re secret is safe right?
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious Essay
As Antonia Peacocke quotes in her essay, â€Å"The show Family Guy is one of the first in history that has been canceled not just once, but twice†(300-301). The show was brought back in August 2000 and again in July 2001 when fans could not get enough of the adult cartoon. As well as being a fan favorite, Family Guy is also a controversial topic for critics all over the world. In the essay, â€Å"Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious†, Antonia Peacocke analyzes the show and gives her reasons why it is not all negative and crude humor. Antonia Peacocke is a student at Harvard University. She is also a National Merit Scholar, and has won awards such as the Catherine Fairfax MacRae prize for Excellence in both English and Mathematics. She was asked to write this essay specifically for the book They Say, I say: with readings. The Peacocke’s main point of her entire essay is that she wants to let readers know why Family Guy is not a bad show, in her and others opinions, but one that has been criticized for solely bringing entertainment. Peacocke does a successful job in portraying this, but it is not completely clear until the end, where her thesis can be found. The very last sentence of the essay is her thesis: â€Å"While I love Family Guy as much as any fan, it’s important not to lose sight of what’s truly unfunny in real life – even as we appreciate what is hilarious in fiction†(Peacocke 308). Peacocke’s thesis could be a little more clear throughout her essay, therefore, I do not feel it is as effective as it could be, but the author clearly states her argument and presents her case. Peacocke starts the essay of by saying, â€Å" Before I was such a devotee, however, I was adamantly opposed to the program for its particular brand of humor†(Peacocke 300). She makes it clear her feelings about the show in the very beginning. Although she is a fan, she at one time disliked the show. She quotes Stephen Dubner, co-author of Freakonomics, as saying â€Å"a cartoon comedy that packs more gags per minute about race, sex, incest, bestiality, etc. than any other show [he] can think of†(Peacocke 300). She backs up her one time opinions by saying â€Å"It will come as no surprise that I was not alone in this view; many still denounce Family Guy as bigoted and crude†(Peacocke 300). Although the show is currently very successful, she says â€Å"It must be one of the few shows in television history that has been canceled not only once, but twice†¦ The show ran until August 2000, but was besieged by so many complaints†¦that Fox shelved it until July 2001†(Peacocke 300). Also, she says, â€Å"I must admit, I can see how parts of the show might seem offensive if taken at face value†(Peacocke 302). At one point Peacocke realized, â€Å" [I found myself] forced to give Family Guy a chance. It was simply everywhere â€Å" (Peacocke 302). One of Peacocke’s main points is that Family Guy has gained much positive attention. On Facebook, as Peacocke explains, â€Å"there are 23 universal separate Family Guy groups with a combined membership of 1,669 people (compared with only 6 groups protesting against Family Guy, with 105 members total). Users of the well-respected Internet Movie Database rate the show 8.8 out of 10†(Peacocke 303). As you can see, â€Å"among the public and within the industry, the show receives fantastic acclaim; it has won eight awards, including three primetime Emmys†(Peacocke 303). Also, when the show was on the brink of cancellation, â€Å" fans provided the brute source necessary to get it back on the air†(Peacocke 303). The more she was around the show, the more positively she viewed it. Peacocke then goes on to say that those who do not often watch the show, â€Å"could easily come to think that the cartoon takes pleasure in controversial humor just for its own s ake†Peacocke 303). The next main point that Peacocke claims is that viewers who â€Å"pay more attention and think about the creators’ intentions can see that Family Guy intelligently satirizes some aspects of American culture†(Peacocke 304). The next paragraph is a segment from an episode in season 4, which shows Stewie reading a book only because it was on the Oprah reading list. Peacocke says â€Å" [Brian and] Stewie demonstrate insightfully and comically how Americans are willing to follow the instructions of a celebrity blindly – and less willing to admit that they are doing so†(Peacocke 304). The jokes that Family Guy is known for, â€Å"attract a different kind of viewer. Such viewers are†¦conscious and critical viewers†(Peacocke 304). In my opinion, the very last sentence is the most powerful in the whole essay. Peacocke states â€Å"They are not – and I cannot stress this enough, self serving as it may seem – immoral or easily manipula ted people†(304). Peacocke says that it sheds light on, and allows viewers â€Å" the ability to analyze what they are watching, the creators of Family Guy point out the weaknesses and defects of U.S. society in a mocking and sometimes intolerant way†(Peacocke 305). A good example of this is the segment from the episode â€Å"I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar.†In this episode, â€Å"the ‘instructional video’ quoted above becomes not only funny but also insightful. In its satire, viewers can recognize the sickly sweet and falsely sensitive sexism of the 1950s in observing just how conveniently self-serving the speaker of the video appears. The message of the clips denounces and ridicules sexism rather than condoning it†(Peacocke 305). The last main point that Peacocke makes is that â€Å"Family Guy does not aim to hurt, and its creators take certain measures to keep it from hitting too hard†¦ Seth MacFarlane plainly states that there are certain jokes too upsetting to certain groups to go on the air†(Peacocke 307). Also, Peacocke states that â€Å"I believe Family Guy has its intelligent points, and some of its seemingly ‘coarse’ scenes often have hidden merit†(Peacocke 308). In the next sentence Peacocke does admit that â€Å"sometimes the creators do seem cross – or, perhaps, eagerly race past – the line of indecency†(Peacocke 308). In her closing paragraph, Peacocke questions the fact that â€Å"while Family Guy can provide a sort of relief by breaking down taboos, we must still wonder whether or not these taboos exist for a reason†(Peacocke 308). All three main points that the author makes are valid, and as seen in quotes, each main topic is backed up by main points. The first main point is that Family Guy is gaining positive attention. Although this is a valid point, as seen by the popularity, and the awards, this isn’t reason enough to call the show ‘good.’ As the author states, at one point she was not a fan of the show but it later turned onto it by exposure. The content of the show did not change for her opinion to change, she just gave the show a chance and realized she liked the humor. The second main point is that the show makes intellectual references to American culture. This is a valid point as to why the show is good. Any show with a little bit of substance makes references to the past and current topics. It tells what is going on in the world, and explains topics everybody should be aware of. The last main point is that Family Guy breaks rules that no other major TV program or network has been able to break. Although many critics believe these are rules that shouldn’t be broken, the creators believe it needs to be done. This makes it a ‘good’ because it crosses boundaries that others are afraid to cross. Conclusion will link back to first comparison to Freud. Work Cited Peacocke, Antonia. â€Å"Family Guy and Freud: Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious.†They Say, I Say: with readings. Ed. Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst, and Gerald Graff. New York: W.W. Norton, 2012. 300-308. Print.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
CRT205 - (Critical Thinking) Analyzing Credibility Essay
CRT205 - (Critical Thinking) Analyzing Credibility - Essay Example He is a man of great repute. His experience as a mayor, a lawyer and a business man makes his an extremely credible and trust worthy person who could not be doubted about his views. Though the opinions are sincere, Guiliani is as unbiased as a person can be but as an American and particularly one who was in office at that time, he has the anger and the emotions of the affected person. His unbiased nature is best represented when he says that Bin Laden should get justice and not vengeance. But as a human being he did get a bit biased when he talked about Iraq in general. In his perceptions, government of any kind was not possible in Iraq five years back. There is just one primary opinion of overweight dogs in the advertisements. The advertisement is short and straight forward with no space for secondary ideas. But the slant is perfectly seen as the main purpose of the advertiser is to sell pedigree light and make a profit. It reflects that the society is extremely concerned about their pets and emphasizes this by triggering dog owners not to neglect their dogs by letting them become overweight. The advertisement tries to predict the future when owning a heavy dog so though it comes from a credible company, it cannot be directly depended upon. The advertisement claims to help overweight dogs lose weight. This is depicted in a comic but appealing manner by showing what overweight dogs can cause. The ad doesn’t directly make a claim but fortifies the need to put "dogs on a diet" and then presents a solution to it. The advertisement portrays the consequences of having an overweight dog. It creates a fear in the mind of a pet owner that, his dog, if heavy can tilt the car. These consequences are portrayed in a comic yet realistic manner thus enhancing the pet owners and the potential customers desire to have a healthy dog. The concept of having healthy pets is not new and pet owners are known to go to great lengths for the health of their pets. The
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Concept and Product Testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Concept and Product Testing - Essay Example The research report involves research objectives which are followed by research design, data collection, and methodology, justification of concept and product testing and limitations of research. The questionnaire has been used as part of the research to enable better understanding of the consumer opinions about the product and concept testing. Also focus group interview has been conducted in the research study. ... The times are changing as the market for e-book reader is expanding globally. The market for e-book reader is still confined to a small section because of the fact that large number of content are downloaded through computer using internet connections. The e-book reader has shown a potential market in country like China which is growing tremendously in every aspect. The e-book reader market in China has been growing rapidly with more and people opting for digital form of books (Rau, p. 211). Amazon Kindle Amazon Kindle is an e-book reader from the Company. Amazon Kindle allows its users to browse, read and download various magazines, newspapers, e-books, etc. introduced Kindle in the year 2007 and since then it has developed to a great extent in terms of technology and features. The developer of Kindle, is an US based multinational e-commerce company. The company is headquartered at Seattle, USA and was founded in the year 1995. The company is in the business of online retailing and sells products online through its website. The company is also into manufacturing of consumer electronic goods such of which Amazon Kindle e-book reader is a part. The company also provides cloud computing services to its clients (Amazon, 2012). Amazon Kindle can be rated as one of greatest inventions in the technological field in recent times. It has revolutionized the reading habit of people by making it more interesting. The Amazon Kindle has further made the purchase of books easier and hassle face. Just a click and books can be purchased and downloaded through the Kindle e-book reader. The biggest advantage for the Kindle e-books reader is that it can easily carry hundreds of books acquiring the same amount of space that a single traditional
Monday, October 7, 2019
Stress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Stress - Essay Example Some people start fighting when they are stressed out as a reactionary measure, which is called fight and the third is left or flight, which means that the stressed out person tries to escape of flee from the problems. My condition when I am stressed out is like freeze as I really do not know what should I do and where should I go. I have many issues in life, which have made me introvert. I want to keep everything just to myself. When I consider myself helpless and emotionally devastated, I try to cry aloud in loud music so that others cannot hear me. I cry until I get awfully tired and after that, I feel somewhat relaxed and eased out. I also spend my troublesome time at the sea where I just sit and ponder over my problems and life as a whole. I try to let in the cool air so that the heat within me caused by my issues can get cold. In my stressed condition, I do a lot of shopping that is useless after which, I have to go back to return certain things. I am not the only one with issues, as when I sat with my group members, we all felt sad because of our own issues in our lives. I was really surprised when I saw a guy crying out of emotional outburst. I used to think that men could not cry, as men are perceived as really unacceptable when they cry. However, like women, men can also have many issues, which can bring tears to their eyes. That guy was really worried and disturbed due to which, he shared his problems with others. Everyone has his own issues and they are not the same. However, people have issues with their parents, siblings, friends, and so on, that can appear as somewhat similar. They can cry like children, as they perceive themselves helpless and unsupported, due to which, all that they can do is crying for their issues. I considered myself alone and secluded and with problems. However, when I see other people with problems too, I do not consider
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Week 5 discussion questions and participation Essay
Week 5 discussion questions and participation - Essay Example The direct method ignores any other service departments when allocating service cost to production departments. The step down method is different because it recognizes that in some service departments support the activities in other service departments as well as the producing department. The direct method is simpler for accountants to calculate the costs since there are less variables involved. The step down method uses a sequence of service department allocation to arrive at the different costs. In the business world accountants prepare information differently depending on the purpose. Managerial accounting focuses on providing information for internal purposes. Financial accounting on the other hand focuses in making reports for external users of information. Variable costing system monitors changes in costs that occurred on a daily basis. This helps managers in their day to day decision making process. Data and information that is presented to outside users must summarize the results of a period of time. External users are not concerned about the day to day operations of the enterprise. Cost distortions are a potential problem that can lead to many obstacles for a manager. If the costing system is not accurate the managers will make erroneous assumptions that can lead to business errors. For example imagine if a company had a costing system that stated that each unit cost $2.00 to produce. The costing system was distorted and the real cost of the product is $3.05. The made a decision to sell the product at $3.00 which a price that is 50% above cost based on the inaccurate costing system. The manager would lose $0.05 on every sale instead of making a $1.00 profit. If the company is able to develop a costing system that provides a lot of detail the decision seems like a good idea. The manager of that company has to determine if the benefits of maintaining the system outweigh the costs of
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Briefing Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Briefing Paper - Essay Example The topic chosen for this is developing high performance working of the employees in an organisation. This briefing report is very essential as it highlights how I would react as a manger and what steps I would need to take to ensure high performance working. The areas that will be covered are vast. Developing high performance working among employees can be done with the use of various techniques and a number of different tactics by the managers. This report will include aspects like performance related pay and possible reasons why employees tend to be de – motivated and why they perform poorly. Here the main aim of this assignment is to provide a clear and concise understanding of ways to develop high performance among the employees within the companies. Through this assignment, a better and more focus has placed created on the topic. The main aim of this report is to bring out the knowledge that I already have on the topic of developing employee performance in the company. This includes knowledge in terms of literature. Also this report also includes the research methodology which will be used for this research. I have had a fair knowledge on this topic. Since developing high performance in employees is a topic which is necessary for every manager, and has always interested me a lot. My area of interest has been majorly on the performance related pay and performance appraisal. This has been my focus of interest as appraisals are inevitable and it is universal in nature. As said very rightly, â€Å"†¦ a basic human tendency to make judgements about those one is working with, as well as about oneself†(Sandler, & Keefe, 2003). Performance appraisal can be called an ancient art. Performance appraisal was started as a simple method to provide income justifications, i.e. to explain if the salary drawn by an individual was
Friday, October 4, 2019
Journals for as I Lay Dying Essay Example for Free
Journals for as I Lay Dying Essay Most authors give small details throughout the novel of where and when a story takes place, and the reader must piece the bits together. As I lay dying is no exception and like any other book gives many examples of setting. First off you can tell that the story takes place many years ago through simple statements given throughout the novel. For example, when it says that all of the women inside of the house had to use fans to cool themselves it suggests that air conditioning was not around yet, therefore it was an earlier time. (Page 81) Also throughout the entire beginning of the novel Cash’s only tools for building Addie’s coffin are a saw and hammer, there is no mention of any newer power tools. Then when Anse is talking to some of the other men about transporting Addie’s coffin a character mentions that the bridge was built back when his first child was born in 1988. (83) Also on page 83 when the flooding of said bridge is noted someone comments on how they had to float their horses across the water to get to Anse’s house. This shows that the novel took place many years ago in the late 1800’s when people relied on horses to get around. Also whenever anyone mentions transportation they talk about their wagons aka: They travel in wagons because cars do not exist yet. The final piece of evidence which shows the story took place some time back is when Cash is finally finishing Addie’s coffin at night in the pouring rain and he has to use a lantern to see in the dark. (Page 57) It shows that this novel took place before flashlights were around because Cash had to give up his raincoat to keep the lantern dry and lit whereas if this had taken place at a more current time he would have used a flashlight and kept himself dry. The time frame which this story takes place stays consist but the place changes as the novel progresses. In the beginning we learn that the Bundruns house sits alone right in front of a road (page 35) Then later when doctor Peabody comes to visit we learn that they live atop a mountain (page 41) Another thing noted is that the Bundruns own a good amount of property for their limited funds and th ey own their own barn house as well. (Page 38). Later the story takes place on the road as the Bundruns make their way towards Jefferson. One of the many examples of this is on page 156 when Anse mentions the slippery dirt road and the difficulties it might pose for the remainder of their travel. Journal 2 and 3: mother is a fish tools=cash Addie=coffin Anse unable to smooth blankets page 51 jewls mother is a horse and is what was 95 The fish plays a symbolic role in helping Vardaman understand death. â€Å"It was not her because it was laying right yonder in the dirt. And now it’s all chopped up. I chopped it up. It’s laying in the kitchen in the bleeding pan, waiting to be cooked and ate. Then it wasn’t and she was, and now it is and she wasn’t†(66-67). This was Vardamans childlike explanation for his mother’s death. This quote conveys how the fish was a fish lying in the dirt, now it is no longer a fish because it no longer has a body. Similarly when Addie is laid to rest in her coffin her body will be no more. By his mother dying if â€Å"Cash nails the box up†, his mother will no longer be his mother (66).Addie â€Å"was†a fish rather than â€Å"is†a fish. The fish symbolizes Addie’s death to Vardaman in a sense that physical being conveys existence. Throughout the beginning sections of the novel, Cash has always been described as sawing or hammering. The tools eventually start to represent Cash himself. In fact before anyone even see’s Cash the sawing and the hammering of his tools are heard first. Cash is very stable and persistent just like his tools. While Cash was constructing the coffin with his tools even when it began to rain, Cash continued to work. â€Å"Cash works on†¦dynamic immobility above his tireless elbow†¦It begins to rain†¦in an instant Cash is wet to the skin. Yet the motion of the saw has not faltered, as though it and the arm functioned in tranquil conviction that the rain was an illusion of the mind†(77). By having the saw not falter, Cash’s steady, stable character is portrayed He is the level headed and most sane of all of the Bundruns. The tools themselves represented Cashs true identity. If the tools were lost or not beside him he felt lost. When hes not safely with his tools he loses his sanity. New teeth symbolize Anse’s selfishness. Even while everyone is gathered around his wife’s death bed, he can only think about getting ahold of new teeth.†God’s will be done,†he says, â€Å"Now I can get them teeth†(52). Anse displays selfishness by his bluntness. He simply states what’s done is done and then focuses on himself. He is constantly putting the needs, and desires of his children aside and focusing on his own wants. Even Dewy Dells abortion is second to him. Anse’s only life goal/motive throughout the novel is to get a pair of new teeth, even his goal to bury his own wife where he promised comes in second to getting his new teeth. He only wishes to bury Addie in Jefferson out of his own selfish reasons. The teeth represent his selfishness because at any time when everyone else is worried about Addie, he is not; he is off thinking about new teeth. He does not even come across remotely upset at losing his wife instead he fantasizes about teeth. Jewels relationship with his horse represents his relationship with his mother. Darl makes fun of Jewel and says his mother is a horse, suggesting that what Jewel feels for the horse is what he feels for his mother.(page 51) Jewel does act violently toward his horse, but it should be noted that Jewl’s character is one of violence. Jewel was born as the result of violence because of what Addie wanted from preacher Whitfield. Jewel’s monologues show the violent images in his mind. He has a stronger personality than any of the other Bundruns and people seem to fear him. He even expresses his love for Addie through Violence when He stands on high hill and throws rocks at people down below. It is also important to remember that it is Jewel who violently and single-handedly saves Addie from the river and the fire.(page 203) These acts show his love for his mother. Even though at times it is hard to believe he ever had love for his mother, like when he refuses to say goodbye to her when he knows it is the last time her will ever see her. He simply can’t express his emotions except in symbols of violence, and the intense loving; violent relationship with the horse is what provides insight into his character. Therefore his horse symbolizes the love he has for his mother and suggests the violent circumstances of his birth. Addie’s coffin comes to represent the familys dysfunction. Cash is obsessed with getting the measurements right, yet the coffin remains unbalanced. Likewise all of the Bundruns themselves are unbalanced. Addie wants a coffin sturdy enough to insure her body gets to Jefferson, the city she has demanded she be buried in. Addies demand is selfish and she does not care for how much trouble it will cause her family. Cash breaks his leg when he goes after the coffin in the river and suffers untold pain. The youngest child Vardaman drills holes into the coffin accidentally drilling two holes into his mothers face because he thinks she can’t breathe. (page 71) After eight days, the odor emanating from the coffin is putrid. It is almost as if the coffin is a jinx.(page 239) The coffin begins to symbolize the family’s dysfunction because all of the unlucky and tragic things that occur to the Bundruns surround the coffin. Burying the coffin symbolizes the return to normalcy. Although the Bundruns version normalcy is sending Darl off to a mental institution and finding a new Mrs. Bundren. One important and symbolic event is when Addie was nearing her death and Anse is unable to smooth the blankets over her on page 51. This shows just how much their marriage had collapsed and how little they cared for each other. Anse has no true love for his wife in his heart, therefore caring acts such as smoothing her blankets while she is on her deathbed do not come naturally to him. Addie has no love for Anse either and she only glares at Anse as he attempts to smooth her blankets. She does not want his touch or him in the room even. Also in this scene when Addie finally passes Dewey Dell reacts emotionally and throws herself on her mother and Vardiman and Cash both react with some sadness as well. While Anse’s thoughts still seem to be stuck on teeth, he does not even comment further on his wife’s death he only tells Dewey Dell to go along and make supper and goes to once again awkwardly cover Addie with a blanket and try to smooth it. Journal 4: figurative language William Faulkner has a different writing style than most other authors, even his use of figurative language is one of his own. Something that stands out about his use of figurative language is that nine times out of ten he uses it to describe nature. For example, Faulkner uses a simile to show that an entire day has passed in only 1  ½ pages. He uses the position of the sun to show that it is already evening. â€Å"The sun, an hour above the horizon, is poised like a bloody egg upon a crest of thunderheads.†(page 39) Another thing one might notice about Faulkner’s technique is that he tends to compare people, objects, or characteristics with animals. One example of this is when Faulkner compares Anse to a rooster. â€Å"His hair was pushed back and matted up on his head like a dipped rooster†. (pg. 43) This was when Addie was very near to death and many neighbors were visiting her on her deathbed. Anse is outside on the porch standing alone, and zoned out in his own world. Faulkner uses this simile to show just how much Addie’s sickness/almost death has affected Anse. The reader gets the image of just how much stress Anse has been put under. (Although his anxiousness probably has a little more to do with getting new teeth than Addie) Another simile in As I Lay Dying is when the women’s chatting coming from inside the house is compared to the buzzing of bees. â€Å"The women’s talking was buzzing like bees in a bucket from inside the house.†(pg. 81) The author is comparing the women’s talking to bee’s to show how much more frantically and quickly they are chatting and gossiping as opposed to the men’s calmer, slower, and more series conversation. Journal 8: In its broadest terms, the structure of As I Lay Dying revolves around the preparations for and the actual journey from the Bundren farm to a town forty miles away in order t o bury Addie Bundren. Also, like most novels during the journey, several conflicts arise and the Bundruns must solve through them. So, in one sense, the novel has a linear structure based upon their traveling 40 miles from their mountain home to Jefferson to fulfill Addie’s dying wish, but the novel is also structured in such a way that the author has virtually removed himself from the story and it is the characters telling the story. There are exactly fifty-nine chapters in the novel and each is narrated by a character Faulkner accomplishes many things through his unique use of structure. For one thing he forces the reader to submerge themselves in the story. Because he has removed himself as a narrator there is no one straight point of view to explain events or ideas and the reader has to compare the different opinions and differing viewpoints from all of the characters and determine for themselves the significance of a particular event. Another thing different about his technique is that it allows us to see the inner thoughts of ALL the characters rather than just one main characters. We see into the mind of each character directly and must analyze what we find there. He does not give any background information on any of his characters; instead the reader must examine characters inner thoughts and on their own determine what type of characters they are. Along with this we are able to see each event from many different perspectives. With multiple narrations the reader can see each event from all of the differing viewpoints and observe how each character saw it and their own opinion on it. Because of this ,we learn more about the character. His unique style lets the reader become a part of the novel by drawing them in more and forcing them to piece together their own idea of what each characters personality is like. Another interesting thing about Faulkner’s style is that he is careful to include outside narrators to remind the reader that the Bundruns are not typical people. For example, all of the other characters find it absurd that Anse is going to drag his wife’s dead body such a long distance and they find it disrespectful to her spirit for him not to bury her as soon and as conveniently as possible. If the story were confined to only the Bundruns points of view, the reader would not realize that this dead body stinks so badly and that the Bundruns are violating basic morals by transporting the body such a long distance. The outside narrators give the novel a sense of the real world. In conclusion the book does have a central problem involving Addies request to be buried and her family determination to fulfill it, and then the structure of the novel forces the reader to solve these problems for themselves by analyzing each character. Journal 9 and 10: key passages â€Å"He did not know that he was dead. (P. 173) After Addie gave birth to Cash, she closed herself off to Anse. To Addie, her husband Anse was dead. This is apparent even in the beginning of the novel because one can sense the barrier between Addie and Anse. Addie has no interest in anything Anse says and does not even wish to see him in her final hours. Anse on the other hand does not even care about his wife’s death because he is preoccupied with getting new teeth. After Addie gave birth to Cash she starts to feel like Anse has taken her identity away from her, and that now she cannot be her own person because she is forced to be part of a family. She resents Anse for this. She also resents the attachment of being part of a family. This is why she feels like her aloneness has been violated. This is also the reason for Addie’s affair with Whitfield – to rebel against her role in the family. It is her own personal revenge against Anse. The product was Jewel. She then begins to share a special connection with Jewl. Darl and Cash belonged to Anse and she never really wanted them. Having them in the first place was really just about her duty as a wife. But Anse isn’t Jewel’s father; therefore, Jewel is Addie’s and only Addie’s. To her, Jewl is living proof that she was able to break out of her position as the wife and act as an independent person. Sometimes I think it aint none of us pure crazy and aint none of us pure sane until the balance of us talks him that-a-way. It’s like it aint so much what a fellow does, but it’s the way the majority of folks is looking at him when he does it. Page 248 This is said from Cash’s point of view, and is his opinion on whether or not Darl is Insane. Cash starts to contemplate what IS sanity exactly? Who is to determine what is and isn’t sane, what if what others might consider insanity is really just Darls refusal to conform to the social norms? When you consider all of the misery the Bundruns mission to bury Addie has created from beginning to end you may start to think that maybe Darl is not insane. The entire bunch of the Bundruns were crazy, abnormal and could in someone else’s opinion be considered insane. Jewl is unnecessarily violent, Dewy Dell is a whore, Anse is incredibly selfish, and even little Vardamin is out of sorts. Cash notes that maybe Darl is the only one declared insane because the rest of his family’s opinions outnumber his. This goes all the way back to the very beginning of the family’s dysfunctions starting with when Anse’s marriage with Addie fell apart and then Addie’s health failed. Throughout the entire book the Bundruns seem to have trouble getting along until finally the coffin is buried and they seem to return to their version of normal. Journals 5 and 6 One of the most obvious rhetoric techniques Faulkner uses is his writing style. It is written as a stream of consciousness, and it is so skillfully done that it adds depth to the novel. As I lay dying is told from multiple perspectives, and each chapter is narrated by a different character. Faulkners virtuosity is seen by the way he adjusts his style to fit the mind of each individual narrator. The reader is given more detail for each event because they are able to view the event from multiple perspectives. Faulkner has very skillfully imitated the way the human brain processes images and puts them into words. The reader is really placed inside the various characters heads. This rhetoric technique lets the reader experience the book as if they are omnisciently viewing the events themselves. Faulkner uses a lot of repetition in As I Lay dying to get certain points across.
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