Thursday, November 28, 2019
Absolute and Relative Error Calculation
Absolute and Relative Error Calculation Absolute error and relative error are two types of experimental error. Youll need to calculate both types of error in science, so its good to understand the difference between them and how to calculate them. Absolute Error Absolute error is a measure of how far off a measurement is from a true value or an indication of the uncertainty in a measurement. For example, if you measure the width of a book using a ruler with millimeter marks, the best you can do is measure the width of the book to the nearest millimeter. You measure the book and find it to be 75 mm. You report the absolute error in the measurement as 75 mm /- 1 mm. The absolute error is 1 mm. Note that absolute error is reported in the same units as the measurement. Alternatively, you may have a known or calculated value and you want to use absolute error to express how close your measurement is to the ideal value. Here absolute error is expressed as the difference between the expected and actual values. Absolute Error Actual Value - Measured Value For example, if you know a procedure is supposed to yield 1.0 liters of solution and you obtain 0.9 liters of solution, your absolute error is 1.0 - 0.9 0.1 liters. Relative Error You first need to determine absolute error to calculate relative error. Relative error expresses how large the absolute error is compared with the total size of the object you are measuring. Relative error is expressed as a fraction or is multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percent. Relative Error Absolute Error / Known Value For example, a drivers speedometer says his car is going 60 miles per hour (mph) when its actually going 62 mph. The absolute error of his speedometer is 62 mph - 60 mph 2 mph. The relative error of the measurement is 2 mph / 60 mph 0.033 or 3.3%
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Fatal Poison
A Fatal Poison The possession of power is a tainted possession indeed. To have complete power over another human being is arguably one of the worst. â€Å"When I went there, she was a pious, warm, tender-hearted woman. There was no suffering for which she had not a tear. She had bread for the hungry, clothes for the naked, and comfort for every mourner that came within her reach.†(Douglass 50) When Fredrick Douglass came to Baltimore, this was his description of his new mistress, Mrs. Hugh, a kind gentle woman who had no ill will towards any human being, including slaves. Her manner was like no other woman Douglass had ever known. Eye contact was something a slave was never allowed with a white person; she allowed it. Slaves were expected to cower in the presence of their masters; she despised it. Douglass had no instruction for this kind of treatment. He had never been treated as a real human by any white person, especially white women, in his whole life. This appearance of equ ality did not last long however. To this Douglass states, â€Å"But alas! this kind heart had but a short time to remain such. The fatal poison of irresponsible power was already in her hands, and soon commenced its infernal work.†Mrs. Hugh had forever changed. This fatal poison that Douglass speaks of is detrimental to both slave and slave owner. The first being the obvious. Any person denied there freedom and rights lives a tormented and depressing life. Imagine having the right to eat when you would like, or to sit when you would like, or to do any other thing you desire for that matter, stripped away from you. A life of no freedom is no life at all. This is the life a slave led. A day primarily consisted of a long period of hard labor, an inadequate meal and a very short night of sleep. To make matters less bearable, those who tried to embrace any of these presently unalienable rights, were severely punished. By physical and ment... Free Essays on Fatal Poison Free Essays on Fatal Poison A Fatal Poison The possession of power is a tainted possession indeed. To have complete power over another human being is arguably one of the worst. â€Å"When I went there, she was a pious, warm, tender-hearted woman. There was no suffering for which she had not a tear. She had bread for the hungry, clothes for the naked, and comfort for every mourner that came within her reach.†(Douglass 50) When Fredrick Douglass came to Baltimore, this was his description of his new mistress, Mrs. Hugh, a kind gentle woman who had no ill will towards any human being, including slaves. Her manner was like no other woman Douglass had ever known. Eye contact was something a slave was never allowed with a white person; she allowed it. Slaves were expected to cower in the presence of their masters; she despised it. Douglass had no instruction for this kind of treatment. He had never been treated as a real human by any white person, especially white women, in his whole life. This appearance of equ ality did not last long however. To this Douglass states, â€Å"But alas! this kind heart had but a short time to remain such. The fatal poison of irresponsible power was already in her hands, and soon commenced its infernal work.†Mrs. Hugh had forever changed. This fatal poison that Douglass speaks of is detrimental to both slave and slave owner. The first being the obvious. Any person denied there freedom and rights lives a tormented and depressing life. Imagine having the right to eat when you would like, or to sit when you would like, or to do any other thing you desire for that matter, stripped away from you. A life of no freedom is no life at all. This is the life a slave led. A day primarily consisted of a long period of hard labor, an inadequate meal and a very short night of sleep. To make matters less bearable, those who tried to embrace any of these presently unalienable rights, were severely punished. By physical and ment...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
What causes regime change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
What causes regime change - Research Paper Example South Korea and Taiwan are some of the East Asian countries that have faced many challenges towards their democratization. In fact, South Korea and Taiwan share a lot as far as their democratization and regime changes are concerned. The aim of this document is to conduct a comparative study of the democratization of South Korean and Taiwanese political regimes. South Korea and Taiwan are some of the East Asia countries that have come a long way in so far as establishing democratic systems are concerned. The two countries certainly share a lot in common as far as their democratic histories are concerned. For one, the two countries were once ruled by autocratic regimes that curtailed the development of democracy. Nevertheless, the two countries fought very hard by establishing democratic institutions that have made them some of the best examples of democracies in the world. Secondly, both countries achieved their democracies after successful industrialization. Both countries shared a lot in common with regards to the roles they played in post-war foreign relations. Kihl (2005) notes that both Taiwan and South Korea were once anticommunist military outposts. Additionally, both Taiwan and South Korea were once dominated by the Japanese colonialists in the pre-war era. Therefore, in the global perspective, the two countries represent the latest examples of Western European-type modernization because the social changes that resulted from industrialization finally promoted the establishment of democratic systems and institutions in them. Although Taiwan and South Korea share a lot in common with regards to the democratization process, the two countries also differ in some areas. One area where the two countries differ is in the state of political stability. In this regard, history shows that South Korea has experienced many political changes compared to Taiwan. Some of the changes
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
A Critical Examination of Business Set Up Opportunities in USA from A Essay
A Critical Examination of Business Set Up Opportunities in USA from A Company Perspective - Essay Example A number of forces drive organizations into expanding their operations to the foreign markets. Increased competition in the local and foreign markets as well as reduced trade barriers are some of the factors. The international business environment is quite dynamic and a business organization that has to survive in its international operations has to respond to the changes. The strategic business planning to manage this dynamics involves an examination of the bargaining power of the buyers, the bargaining power of the suppliers, the magnitude of rivalry, the other product or service substitutes, or the threats of other new entries into the market. The vending business is not a new practice in the United States, the first machine of this kind being developed as early as the late nineteenth century. The changing patterns are observed in the quality and types of products offered as well as improvement in the vending machines to ensure security and efficiency. Most recently, there have be en shifts towards high capacity vending machines that can vend healthy juices, yoghurt, fresh fruits, or vegetables. Investment in the healthy vending machine can be incredible in the contemporary society if proper strategic planning and management is carried out. The vending machine business is quite appealing to many individuals in the contemporary markets. The business has several associated benefits to the investor. It is characterized by immediate cash flows, all-cash business (no debts or accounts receivable), can operate 24 hours a day everyday, and it needs little expertise in business management or sales and marketing . The clients in this industry require quick service and ‘demand immediate result making fast food too slow. [The] vending machines provide an affordable quick snack’ (Vending Man, 2011b). The clients give more value to healthy vending that produces healthy foods and with no negative long-term effects on the health of the clients. The business is a fun industry that can generate high returns with little investment since it requires few employees (Vending Man, 201 1a). An individual can supply and manage millions of these machines at different locations with the little task of putting in food occasionally, after every few weeks. This report focuses on these opportunities and the establishment strategy for vending machine business in the US market. The socio-political and economic factors in the US market as well as the business strategy to be employed in this business are illustrated. The US market- Environmental analysis The factors external to our organization like laws and regulations in another country, the country’s economic profile, national culture, and market competition affect the decision to establish business in the country (Mead, 2005). Economic analysis The United States is among the countries that suffered the financial crisis and the resulting economic problems that have been experienced globally (Jickling, 2010). Nonetheless, the Federal Reserve and other government agencies like the US Treasury have shown relentless ef forts to restore the situation through improving the financial systems (Marshall, 2009). It is then likely that the buying ability of the US citizens will be improved giving hope for a new business opportunity. Socio-cultural influence The socio-cultural factors in the country also favor the investment in food industry with focus on healthy eating habits. The consumption of soft drinks has been high in the United States in the past and yet these foods have negative impacts on the consumer heath (Jacobson, 1999). The soft drinks add unnecessary calories to the diet and
Monday, November 18, 2019
Rules about Delivery in Contracts Involving the Sales of Goods Assignment
Rules about Delivery in Contracts Involving the Sales of Goods - Assignment Example Before the creation of laws governing sales of goods contracts, the right of ownership or Law merchant was the major concept under sales law (Mann & Roberts, 2007, p. 398). Such laws comprised a system of regulations, customs, as well as usages self-imposed by the sellers themselves, in order to settle disputes while enforcing agreement duties between them. Such rules were introduced during fairs when merchants met to swap goods even as they settle their differences via the fair courts they operated themselves. Hence, from 17th-century judges refined the codes behind mercantile laws into contemporary commercial law of sales (Mann & Roberts, 2007, p. 398). certain issues arose under rules governing delivery in sales of goods. Firstly, how do you determine what time the title actually changed from seller to buyer? As it presented a challenge in deciding which party the possession title had at the instance of a loss. Secondly, even though orthodox assessment under such rules would probably indicate that equity laws do not pertain, it would be hard to uphold such view in a contemporary and globalized world. Thus, the aim of this paper is to evaluate how del ivery of contracts involving the sales of goods offers a contemporary uniform and fair regime practices for both domestic and international sale of goods. The paper also discusses the controversies surrounding such rules. In most jurisdictions, the sale of goods contracts is accorded between the seller and a buyer meant to cover the trade and delivery of goods, or any other personal property (Atiyah, Adams, & MacQuee, 2005, ch 1). For instance, in the US, domestic sales-contracts fall under the Uniform Commercial Code, while in Australia the contract for delivery under sales of goods falls under the Australian Sales of Goods Act 1893. The rules are based on the Freedom of Contract, thus it is up to the concerned parties to agree on their bargain (Bridge, p. 45). Nevertheless, international sales contracts are governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 2009, or Vienna Sale Convention.Â
Friday, November 15, 2019
Theories Of The Term Structure Of Interest Rates Finance Essay
Theories Of The Term Structure Of Interest Rates Finance Essay This coursework explains what information does term structure of interest rate gives to finance executives while analyzing project. Term Structure of interest rate is important in formulating investment decisions. Term structure of interest rate compares the market yield (Saunders Cornett, 2003, p. 190). The shape of the yield curve reflects the markets future expectation of the interest rate. Thus, the term structure is important for a finance executive, because they believe that interest rate across time tells about the markets expectation of future events (John Cox et al, 1985). Also, the behaviour of term structure impacts monetary policy (Marvin, 1998), economic activity (Dotsey, 1998) and inflation. By having understanding the term structure will help them to extricate information and predict how variables such as interest rates, maturity will affect the yield curve. Thus, helps them to take investment decision in order to generate future capital gain and cash flow. This coursework will first discuss about interest rate, yield in context of term structure of interest rate. Next section critically assesses the four different theories of term structure and what information do these theories have. In conclusion, importance of interest rate to finance executive is portrayed and validity of which theory holds good in todays market is discussed. Interest rates, Yield curves and Term Structure of Interest rates The main component of term structure is prices, Interest rates and time (term). Interest rates are important to understand because all the financial instruments are sensitive to interest rates. Financial executive invest in the projects depending on alternative options and cost of capital which depends on interest rates. One of the major concerns in making investment decision is uncertainty about the future capital/ rewards from the investment. Finance executives have to take decision in the unstable economic environment where the information comes gradually, so knowing term structure interest rate helps them to decide whether to invest and when to invest (Dias Shacklenton, 2005). Interest rate change with time due to risk, inflation, and also depends on variables such as tax, term of maturity. Term Structure of interest rate i.e. Yield curve is analysis tool of different interest rates of bonds or securities with different term of maturity (Marvin, 1998). Why to understand yield curves? The yield to maturity is quantified as the rate of return that mathematically equates the fixed payment stream to the bonds current market price. The yield to maturity cannot be easily calculated, so it must be analysed through trial and error method. Yield to maturity is same as internal rate of return (McInish, 2000). Finance executives are concerned with the internal rate of return the project will generate. Term structure is relation between different yields. This section first explains about yields and their importance and then assesses theories of term structure of interest rates. There are three yield curves: upward sloping, downward sloping and flat. If the yield curve is upward sloping it means that long term rates are above short term rates. As depicted in the figure, it has positive slope means that finance executive expects the economy to grow in future (Mishkin, 1990). As economy will grow it will lead to increase in inflation rates. With the rise in the inflation rate, central bank with tighten the monetary policy to control the inflation rate (Marvin, 1998). This generates the risk for uncertainty in inflation rate and to future value of cash flows. If the yield curve is downward sloping it means that long term rates are below short term rates (Mishkin, 2006).It means that finance executive expects interest rates and economy to fall. Tight monetary policy could lead long term rates to be lower than short term rates. If the yield curve is flat means that long term rates are equal to short term rates. Term structure of interest rate is defined as relation between interest rate and yield curve for default free securities having different maturity (John Cox et al, 1985). Term structure of interest rate is the correlation between different yields of financial instruments with same risk, tax but different maturity (Saunders Cornett, 2003). The term-structure model mainly analyses the expectations channels and the interest rate. While taking decision, the IRR (Internal rate of return) of the projects needs comparison with the opportunity cost of capital. But often the long run and short run interest rate/opportunity costs differs. And both cash flow and cost of capital include the inflation. Below theories of term structure of interest rates helps finance executives to understand expected inflation and interest rates. Theories of term structure of interest rates There are four theories namely expectation theory, market segment theory, liquidity preference theory and preferred habitat theory that explains the shape of yield curve (Saunders Cornett, 2003, p. 190). Expectation Theory John Hickss (1939) expectation theory suggests that expectation, of the investors in the market, about the future interest rate determine the term structure of interest rates and these expectations could affect the economic growth (Russell, 1992). This theory assumes that bonds with different maturities are perfect substitutes. Buyers will not prefer bond for which expected return is less than the expected return of another bond. Inflation and interest rate risk are not considered in this theory (Mishkin, 2006). According to this theory, expected return of the long term rates are average of short term rates. It means there is no uncertainty in expected rate of return over the holding period as return is same for all the securities over the holding period (Mishkin, 2006). Expectation theory proves that two facts, first, Interest rate for different maturities move together over the time and second Yields on short-term bond more volatile than yields on long-term bonds (Mishkin, 2006). Yield curve is based on market expectation. If the finance executives expect that the short term rates will be 10% in next 3 years, then interest rate on 3-year bond will also be 10%. For finance executive opportunity will be less because the yield curve will be flat as current long term rate is equal to current short term rate. This imply that movement of short term rates and long term rates can be predicted and if the yield curve is sloping upward then future interest rate will increase and if curve is sloping downwards then future interest rate will decrease (Russell, 1992). If the short term rates are high, yield curve will be downward sloping. Yield curve will be expected to be upward sloping if short term rates are low [1] . Hence this theory doesnt prove why the yield curve is usually upward sloping (Mishkin, 2006). As per this theory, finance executives are assumed to be investing in efficient market and with less transaction cost. Thus, Yield curve is determined by the short term interest rates and by uncertainty in the accuracy of their expectation. Liquid preference theory As the expectancy theory doesnt completely explain the term structure i.e. current rates are not perfect predictor of future interest rates (Saunders Cornett, 2003), this theory is an extension of the expectancy theory i.e. it gives some importance to the expected future rates but give more importance to the risk preference of the finance executives or investors (Mishkin, 2006). If the market is uncertain then finance executive will make decision based on capital gain/loss, revenue generated (Kessel, 1965). This decision will be based on their willingness to take risk. Risk [2] causes the interest rates to be greater than the expected rates and this amount increases with the maturity. Long term interest rate includes the expected rates and premium for holding long term rates bond. This premium is known as liquidity premium (Mishkin, 2006), which is compensation to the finance executives or investors for holding long term securities. The theory assumes that bonds are substitutes but not perfect substitutes .Short term rates are of lower inflation and low interest rate risks (Mishkin, 2006). Investor prefers short term rates (Keynesian view) and hence be given premium for long term rates. Long rates will be less volatile as it is the average of the short term rates and risk premium will increase with the maturity, thus, yield curve will be upward sloping (Kessel, 1965). With the increase in the maturity, sensitivity to capital loss increases with decreasing rate (Saunders Cornett, 2003). Investor prefers short term rates as it is less prone to capital loss. It doesnt mean that they are risk averse; they may be unwilling to take the risk due to economic activity. As mentioned above, risk premium will increase with the term of maturity, upward sloping yield curve may reflect the expectation of investor that future short term rates will rise and therefore, the yield curve will also increase with the term to maturity (Saunders Cornett, 2003). Segmented market theory This Theory assumes that credit markets are segmented (Shelile, 2006). Investor has preference for specific maturity bonds and hence the market for these bonds are separated based on their maturity. This means that longer interest rate securities are completely different asset when compared to short term interest rate securities (Mishkin, 2006). As per this theory, Investors decide which term securities they want to hold. They dont prefer to change the market segment to take the advantage of the changing yields in other segment (Saunders Cornett, 2003). Investor preference depends on the asset and liability they hold. For example bank prefers short term interest rate due to their deposit liabilities and insurance company prefers long term interest rate due to their contractual liabilities. Thus, Demand and supply for particular securities, with in particular segment, determine the interest rates (Howells and Bain, 1998). This theory explains the fact 3 why the yield curves are usually upward sloping and assumes that Investor prefers liquid portfolio. Thus they prefer short term securities. Bonds/securities with shorter period have low risk and lower inflation, means yield will be lower and yield on long term bond will be higher (Shelile, 2006). This proves the fact that yield curve is usually upward sloping. However, as the market for the bond is segmented, it fails to prove why the yields of different term move together (Mishkin, 2006). Preferred habitat theory Moldigliani and Sutch (1966) recognised the limitation of market segment theory and gave preferred habitat theory, which is a combination of both expected theory and market segment theory. According to Mishkin, preferred habitat theory is closely related to liquidity premium theory. Preferred habitat investors invest in their preferred maturities and do not invest in across market segment. Movement in yield of different maturity has no effect in demand by preferred habitat (Doh, 2010). Finance executives will invest in outside of preferred maturity if they are compensated by higher expected return or term premium (Howells and Bain, 1998). Finance executives consider both expected return and maturity. However, understanding of determinant of term premium is difficult (John Cox et al, 1985). Below chart shows that there is close relationship between the risk premium and the yield curve. If risk premium is positive then yield curve tend to be upward sloping and vice versa. This proves that investor/ finance executives expect interest rate to rise when yield curve is upward sloping and require positive risk premium to compensate for future capital losses (Christopher Peacock, 2004) Source: Christopher Peacock, 2004, Bank of England: Deriving a market-based measure of interest rate expectations Why to have understanding of different theories Term structure inform about the expectation of other investors in the market. Expectation of other market investor will influence the current decision and these decisions will determine what will happen in the future. Thus knowledge of other market investor is helpful in determining the future forecast (Russell, 1992) Theories explain that changes in short term rates will affect long term rates. Short term rates have direct effect on long term interest rates and finance executive are concerned majorly with the long term interest rates as it help them to make the decisions about investments (Russell, 1992) Monetary policy has direct effect on short term rates. Fama (1990) and Mishkin (1990) study shows that term spread gives information about the future macroeconomic variables such as inflation. To control the inflation central bank tightens the monetary policy and tightening leads to rise in short term interest rates. These theories predict about the economic activity and to know about the economic activity is important as this will help in forecasting, budgeting and meeting the future demand (Dotsey, 1998). Investor/ financial executives are forward looking and thus yield spread between short term and long term interest rate predicts the future economic activity (Watson, 1989). However, 1990-91 economic downturn was not predicted by these theories. But later studies by Estrella and Mishkin (1997, 1998) determined that spread contain the significant amount of information about the future economic activity. Their conclusion was supported by Dueker (1997) and Plosser and Rouwenhorst (1994) studies. CONCLUSION Which Theory is most appropriate? The Liquidity Preference hypothesis, the Preferred Habitat hypothesis, and the Market Segmentation hypothesis all depend on an analysis of investor and firm preferences under certainty to conclude about the term structure premium under uncertainty. Liquidity Preference hypothesis suggests that it is the nature of risk aversion which mostly causes the forward rate to be far greater than the expected future rate. This view has been criticized for overtly emphasising on capital-value risk as opposed to income risk. Someone who wants future flow of income could simply make a long term investment and stay unconcerned about variations in interest rate, also for them, a yield premium might be necessary to induce them to hold shorter term structure. Preferred habitat theory advocates that due to variation in individuals notion of saving and investment, different investor would be view the investment risk differently. Preferred Habitat Theory is the most consistent theory to analyse daily changes in the term structure. However, in the long run, expectations of future interest rates and liquidity premiums are vital elements of the shape and position of the yield curve. Why should finances executive have understanding of term structure of interest rate? While analyzing project proposals, the finance executives obviously expect stable cash flow or income generation for companys economic viability. As discussed above, the term structure of interest rate predicts the economic condition. So, instead of erratic cash flows of increasing flow in one cycle and decreasing in another, they expect stable value for their money. Hence, future growth can be forecasted by the term structure of the interest rates. While borrowing money for investments, both assets and liabilities are at interest rate risk. If liabilities have greater risk than assets, then there is a risk that an increase in interest rate might result in financial ruin. Financial executives can alter the risk by their choice of duration of portfolios. Risk aversion, investment alternatives, anticipations and preferences about the timing of investment all have a vital role in determining the term structure. Therefore, Finance executives should have good understanding of term structure. REFERENCES Cox, John C., J. E. Ingersoll, and S. A. Ross (1985). A Theory of the Term Structure of Interest Rates. Econometrica, 53, P. 385-408 Christopher Peacock, 2004. Deriving a market-based measure of interest rate expectations. Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin: Summer 2004. P. 142- 152 Dias, J. c., Shacklenton, M. B. (2005). Investment hysteresis under stochastic interest rates. Dotsey, Michael (1998). The Predictive Content of the Interest Rate Term Spread for Future Economic Growth, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly. Fama, E.F. (1990): Term-structure forecasts of interest rates, inflation and real returns. Journal of Monetary Economics, 25 (1), January, P. 59-76. Goodfriend, Marvin. Using the Term Structure of Interest Rates for Monetary Policy. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly Volume 84/3 Summer 1998 Hicks, John R., 1939, Value and capital, Reprinted 1968 (Oxford University Press, New York). HOWELLS, P. and BAIN, K., 1998. The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance, A European Text. Essex, England. Pearson Educational Limited. Jorion, P. and F. Mishkin (1991): A multicountry comparison of term-structure forecasts at long horizons. Journal of Financial Economics, 29 (1), March, pp. 59-80. Kessel, R. A. (1965). WHY LIQUIDITY PREFERENCE EXISTS. In The Cyclical Behavior of the Term Structure of Interest (pp. 44 58). National Bureau of Economic Research. Modigliani. F., and R. Sutch: Innovations in Interest rate policy, American Economic Review, 56(1966), P. 178-197 Mishkin, F. (2006). Money, Banking, and Financial. Pearson. McInish, Thomas H., 2000, Capital Markets: A Global Perspective. Oxford: Blackwell. Russell, S. (1992). Understanding the Term Structure of Interest Rates: The Expectations Theory. 36-50. Saunders, A., Cornett, M. M. (2003). Financial Institution Management. McGraw Hill. Taeyoung Doh , 2010. The efficacy of large scale asset purchase at the zero lower bound, Economic review, second quarter. Watson, M. , Stock, J., New Indices of Coincident and Leading Indicators, In O. Blanchard and S. Fischer ed. NBER Macroeconomic Annual, Cambridge, MIT Press.1989.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Skills Project--Shyness Essay -- essays research papers
INTRODUCTION:      All my life I have been shy. Also, all my life I’ve been hearing people say, â€Å"She will grow out of it.†I’m 20 years old and the shyness is still here. As a kid you can get by being shy but as an adult, shyness can hold you back in many aspects of your life. DESCRIBING PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR:      After two weeks of recording my behaviors I’ve come to realize in what situations my shyness comes into play most often. There are very few situations that I feel comfortable with myself, allowing me to speak freely. The only people that I ever feel at ease with are my own family and friends. Even my own family and friends can turn me silent in some situations.      Meeting new people is a very hard task for me. Sometimes it feels almost impossible. My biggest fear of meeting new people is, not knowing what to say. In most cases I would rather avoid a situation than have to deal with the feeling of not knowing what to say. 2/6-2/9 I tried to avoid any situation that I thought I could feel awkward in. Avoidance can be either physical (steering clear of a friend after having an argument, or in my case, steering clear of a friend to avoid the chance of any awkward situation) or conversational (changing the topic, joking, or denying that a problem exists). (Ch.11-Managing Conflict, p.304) Most shy people would rather avoid the short term problem of meeting new people and asking for dates, even when the long term goal of intimate relationships are enticing.      On 1/18 I had a job interview at a new pizza restaurant. My parent’s had been hounding me for months to find a job. The new pizza restaurant that was opening, the owner happened to be one of my dad’s co-workers, so I decided that even though I hated interviews I would give this one a try. It was 1/18 that the owner had called and asked for me to come in for an interview that same day. From the moment that I hung up the phone after agreeing that I would be there at 2:30 I had the same sick feeling I always got when I was nervous about something. All I could think about was all the other interviews that I had gone on in the past and never got the job, so that had to be how this was going to turn out too, that was my self-fulfilling prophecy. A self-fulfilling prophec... ...ome vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.†(Desiderata)      One source of low self-esteem is inaccurate self-perception. Sometimes I can be overly harsh of myself, believing that I’m worse than the facts indicate. Learning to have a realistic perception of myself was a hard thing to learn. Gaining self-esteem isn’t something that you will gain over night. I think throughout this term I have learned many things leading me to gain the self-esteem slowly that I lost back in high school.           To change my self-concept I have to have the will to change. I have said for many years that I want to change, but I don’t do anything but say that. I thought that being shy was who I was. My static evaluation that’s I’ve heard over and over in my head, â€Å"Ashley is shy.†(Ch. 4 – Language, p. 98) I am capable of changing this part of my life, it is something that I have to have the will to gain the skills I need to be able to change. The main thing that I learned from this project and life is, shyness may be difficult to overcome, but loneliness is harder.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Development of In Vitro Fertilization Essay
Robert G. Edwards was born on September 27, 1925 in Batley, Yorkshire, UK. Before he got into the medical field, he served in World War II before studying biology at the University of Wales in Bangor and Edinburgh University in Scotland. There, he received a PhD in 1955 with a thesis on embryonal development in mice. In 1958, he became a staff scientist at the National Institute for Medical Research in London and initiated his research on the human fertilization process. Five years later, he began his academic career in the reproductive physiology department was spent in Cambridge, UK, where he and gynecologist, Patrick Steptoe started the world’s first In Vitro Fertilization centre, the Bourn Hall Clinic. Edwards was the research director for the clinic for several years and had also edited many leading scientific journals on fertilization. He currently teaches at the University of Cambridge. As early as the 1950s, Edwards envisioned that In Vitro Fertilization could be a very useful treatment for infertility. He worked in steps – from systematically determining his goal, discovering principles for human fertilization, and succeeding in accomplishing fertilization of human egg cells in test tubes, or cell culture dishes. First of all, infertility, a medical and psychological problem, affects 10% of all couples in the world. This causes lifelong psychological trauma for these couples and the fact that medicines have limited opportunities to help them, there is little hope for them to conceive. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an established therapy when sperm and egg cannot meet inside the body. After previous research had shown that egg cells from rabbits could be fertilized in test tubes when sperm was added, giving rise to offspring, Edwards decided to investigate further if similar methods could be used for humans. In experimental studies conducted together with several different co-workers, he made a great deal of encouraging discoveries. Findings proved how human eggs mature, how different hormones regulate their maturation, and the time in which eggs are susceptible to the sperm. In 1969, his efforts met with success when a human egg was fertilized in a test tube. In spite of his success, the fertilized egg did not develop more than a single cell division. He suspected that eggs had matures in the ovaries before they were removed for IVF would work better, and looked for different ways to obtain eggs in a safer way. While Steptoe used the laparoscope to remove eggs from the ovaries, Edwards put the eggs in cell culture and added sperm. Embryos started to from after the egg cells divided several times. Though the studies were promising, the Medical Research Council did not fund a continuation of the project. However, a private donation allowed the work to continue. By analyzing the patients’ hormone levels, they could determine the best time point for success. In 1977, Lesley and John Brown arrived at the clinic after nine years of trying to have a baby. IVF treatment was carried out and once the fertilized egg had developed into an embryo with eight cells, it was returned to Lesley Brown and on July 25, 1978, a healthy baby girl named Louise was born through C-section after a full-term pregnancy. It was then that IVF moved from a vision to reality and a new era in medicine begun. Gynecologists and cell biologists from different countries trained at the Bourn Hall Clinic and the original methods of IVF were refined. By 1986, a thousand children had been born after IVF in the world. To this day, IVF is an established therapy throughout the world and has undergone several improvements, including single sperm being microinjected directly into the egg cell in the culture dish. IVF is safe – 20-30% of fertilized eggs lead to the birth of a child. With most procedures and attempts, there are risks of complications, such as premature birth, but they are very rare. As of 2010, approximately four million individuals have been born thanks to IVF. Louise Brown and many other IVF children have even given birth themselves, adding to the success and safety of this therapy. A new field of medicine had emerged, with Edwards heading the process. â€Å"His contributions represent a milestone in the development of modern medicine. â€
Friday, November 8, 2019
Benefits of Animal Experimentation essays
Benefits of Animal Experimentation essays Are we to let concern for the rights of pests cost human lives? The answer is a simple one-no. Animal research, although often the subject of debate is a positive thing. Without it, where would the world be? Tests certainly cannot be done on humans, for what human will risk his or her life if there is a more convenient and sensible option. Yes the animals endure pain and, at times, lose their lives but new advances are being made in that field as well. Studies are always being done to ensure the maximum safety and comfort for these subjects. Animal Testing-Good for Mankind or Violation of Rights? Animal testing-is it inapplicable? Many researchers shout yes; results received from small animals and rodents do not apply to humans. If this is so, then why have so many advances been made since the dawning of animal testing? Dozens of vaccines have been found not to mention antibiotics. Indeed, we cannot think of an area of medical research that does not owe many of its most important advances to animal experiments (Rowan, p.21). The main argument of animal research opponents is that animal tests are inapplicable. Animals and humans biologically differ from each other. So results from animal experiments cant be applied directly to humans (Chang, p.2). Other arguments include: Humane alternatives to much of animal research, such as tissue samples and computer models, already exist. Animals have rights. When engaging in animal research, they violate the rights of an animal to be free of unnatural diseases, injuries, or mental and behavioral problems (Chang, p.2). If cures are to be found, animal testing is necessary. In addition to discovering microorganisms, animal experimentation has led to significant medical findings related ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Marketing Plan (Research) in the Health Sector
Marketing Plan (Research) in the Health Sector Building a corporate establishment is a herculean task as it is intertwined with many pros and cons. The impact of ever-changing competitive world can be considered as huge and role playing on one most essential component, marketing. In the health sector, the area that addresses the medical community and patient service, a more robust framework in terms of planning becomes mandatory for marketing.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Marketing Plan (Research) in the Health Sector specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is due to the fact that health sector has enormous tie-ups with medical and science professionals, Information technologists, hospital equipment manufactures and suppliers, diagnostics and pharmacy. In order for a health care firm reach its targeted clients, the requirements of above mentioned specialist branches need to be understood. A marketing plan refers to solid document that is devised to ensure t he accomplishment of particular business objectives through the course of time. Well planned marketing strategy facilitates one to expect, predict, get ready, construct a pathway to follow, build the needful supporting network, secure and gradually enhance the opportunities to succeed (Gandolf and Hirsch 2011). Marketing plan may begin with the research in the area of marketing. Marketing research is the process of collecting, investigating and interpreting the news about the market focusing on a product or service based work to be kept for market selling by considering the time events like past, present and important customers for the product or service based work. In addition, marketing research also involves, investigating the key features, spending history, location, and requirements of ones own businesss target market, the industry finally, and the specific competitors they confront (Enterpreneur 2012). Marketing research in the health sector is focused on healthcare providers beginning from globally renowned academic medical centers, health systems and tertiary care hospitals at he level of local, community and tertiary care, clinics of specialist expertise and practice chambers of physicians that help several market of the country like urban, suburban and rural. Therefore, it may appear that marketing plan is a very key element for the hospital administration. In detail, hospitals are the complex building categories with multifunctional units such as diagnosing and treating, clinical laboratories, scanning, emergency wards, operating theatres, and also cafeterias, eateries, house keeping and multi-bed system.Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are several activities that determine the fundamental structure of the hospital. These include administrative activities, supply of food items, in patient and out patient systems, bedding , research, teaching, diagnosis and treatment. Marketing plans for a hospital administration are important to establish the services destined for the patients. There are certain issues to be overcome for the betterment of the services. The hospital is failing to offer reliable services although it has good potential. It is not up to the mark in reaching the targeted outcome as expected. For this purpose, a proposal is critical with an emphasis on needful marketing strategies and addressing the relevant issues. Therefore, the main objective is to provide a standardized framework in terms of marketing plan for the hospital administration. Firstly, a survey is needed about the category of obstetric gynecology division-a service oriented one and equipment/ infrastructure as the hospital is currently falling short of relevant basic amenities. To accomplish this, data will be obtained from other hospitals to find out how many suerspeciality doctors and the kind of infrastructure the hosp ital is lodging. Questionnaire will be conducted in other hospitals to find out the awareness of patients about that services being offered there. Next, the information on that service facility being provided in newspaper advertisements, health magazines, pharmacy outlets and other agencies will also be sought. This plan will provide the proposed hospital administration clear picture on how the superspeciality division and infrastructure will be made more reachable to the public. In addition, the patient will also be asked to provide a feedback on cost effective services. Basically, for offering scanning service to pregnant women, equipments like ultrasound scanning machines are essential. Siemens company provides that machine under the trademark, ‘VERSA PRO SLC’. Its color is white and shape is square type. Its other characteristics are that, 1997 make and has a software version ‘VERSION 3.6.00’.It has 3 connectors 2 probes of types convex and endocavitary . It costs nearly $29,000. Its packaging and labeling is done by Neoscan Medical in Lyon, France (Neoscan Medical Systems 2012). The price plan fixed for the service offered with this product is $ 50 per patient. The annual amount expected with this equipment oriented service is $180000. This is estimated at the rate of $ 3750 per month that could be expected from the average patient visits of nearly 75 per week. This product is most used for scanning the pregnant women, especially; to detect abnormal growth patterns of the developing baby inside the womb and for associated obstetric defects.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Marketing Plan (Research) in the Health Sector specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With the inbuilt technology characteristics like monitor, and printing options, it is easy to view the picture of developing baby and it movements, print and save the image. Its weakness is that it is not provide d with an upgrade system. Similarly, digital x ray equipment is another product that is needed for the hospital.UMG/DEL MEDICAL is the leading company to be considered for the product. Its brand name is DEL MEDICAL OTC10. Its color is white and shape of the individual parts is vertical, square and cylindrical types. Its other characteristics are that, it very much comfortable for patients, easily positioned and used simply, supported with the mounted ceiling tube which is available in automatic (OTC10-A) and manual (OTC10-M) cassette size-sensing models. Especially, OTC10 has a configuration specialty with 300,000, 400,000 or 600,000 HU x-ray tubes. It has vertical and longitudinal telescope travel range and vertical and horizontal tube rotation range. Its packaging and labeling is one by the UMG/DEL MEDICAL, New York/Chicago, US (â€Å"UMG/DEL MEDICAL†2012). Its cost is approximately $ 45,000. Its weakness is regarding its weight which is approximately 833 lbs, appears huge to be shipped, may require additional costs. The price plan fixed for the service offered with this product is $ 60 per patient. The annual amount expected with this equipment oriented service is $180000. This is estimated at the rate of $ 4500 per month that could be expected from the average patient visits of nearly 75 per week.Market Identification: The customers falling under the category of the above mentioned services are mostly pregnant women and those with orthopedic complaints.It was reported that nearly 6 million pregnancies occur annually throughout the United States where live births are 4,058,000 and pregnancy losses are1,995,840 (â€Å"American Pregnancy Association†2012). They may be found especially at primary heath care centers (PHC’s), small to moderate nursing clinics. Similarly, patients wit orthopedic complaints can also be found at PHC’s and small hospitals. Out of every 4 Americans, more than one has a musculoskeletal condition (â€Å"T he Burden†2008).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These patients mostly live in moderate economic conditions but few with poor socioeconomic status. Mostly, their education is of high school standard, basic degree, and they are partly employed. The patient clients can be identified at all regions locally and regionally, at rural areas, cities, suburbs, PHC’s and district hospitals. In order to identify patient clients, several factors are to be considered. Their location from the hospital may play important role as commuting determines the feasibility of the patient to obtain the service. Patients need to be identified at remote places through surveys. Next, awareness of the particular hospital service-patient with poor knowledge may be left helpless and could not avail the hospital service on time. They need to be educated regarding the health complaint related service and equipment facility provided by the hospital. Cost efficiency is another factor that plays role in patient selection. For this, service cost informing pam phlets should be distributed. The size of the total market is 3600 customers. According to a study, global market in diagnostic imaging is anticipated to increase in 2010 $20.7 billion to $26.6 billion by 2016. This is at 4.2% from 2011 to 2016 of compound annual growth rate (CAGR).This could be due to population increase and rising needs of diagnostic imaging associated with uninterrupted changes. The growing trend is drawing the attention of the players is the blend of various modalities of diagnostic imaging products and nuclear imaging. This combination of imaging modalities such as PET/CT, SPECT/CT, and MRI/PET facilitates the presence of complete range of scanning machines at the same unit(â€Å"Diagnostic Imaging Market†2011). In addition, physicians are preferably demanding the portable diagnostic equipment. To say, in 2010, X-ray have the greatest share percentage of 34%, with ultrasound -21%, CT scan 19.5%, MRI-18.5%, and nuclear medicine -7%. Unites states has the major share and dominated in 2010 with 36.3%, and Europe with 27.3%, Asia with 27% and rest of world (ROW) (9.4%).(â€Å"Diagnostic Imaging Market†2011). The factors affecting purchase are Seasons – this may bring forward the right customer at the right time. For diagnostic imaging, season plays role as most of the time the pregnant women and individuals with musckoskeletal complaints throng the hospitals for check up. Next, for diagnostic imaging service there is a great demand for scanning and x-ray equipments. Hence, obsolescence rarely plays role in purchasing. Every fiscal year, taxes may vary and may be imposed at good percentage for a range of diagnostic imaging equipments. Hence, tax factor interferes while purchases and needs additional financial input from the purchasers. Prices do vary every year and the availability, service –all such related information may be considered through quotations provided by the product selling company. Therefore, quotat ion is very important during the purchase and is very determining. Emotional consideration often interferes during purchase. Here, a bias towards a particular brand or decision by a particular staff on the relevant service could retard the progress of purchasing. As such, promotional activities will definitely be concentrated in the diagnostic imaging market to render the service more effective. Next, in the diagnostic imaging market, the present competitors for the Ultrasound scanning machine under the division of gynecology obstetric urology are of MYLAB 25 of company ESAOTE, LOGIQ 400 MD-General Electric (GE), IU22-Philips etc.Similarly, the present competitors for the x –ray equipment under the division of radiography are of Discovery XR650- GE (â€Å"GE Healthcare†2012), FDR D-EVO Suite- Fujifilm (â€Å"Fujifilm†2012), DigitalDiagnost –Philips (PHILIPS sense and simplicity 2012). Currently required ultrasound scanning machine of Siemens is easily ac commodating in small labs and seems cost effective, but its weakness is it has only three connectors others have four, Philips. No touch screen facility as others have like PHILIPS. Other machines seem expensive. The x-ray equipment to be provided currently for the hospital is easily accommodating but its weakness is it is heavy in weight, has no DICOM Storage while others have that facility. It seems cost effective while others appear expensive. The approximate cost of Siemens Ultrasound scanning machine is $ 29,000 where as others range from $ 30,000- 1, 44,000. Similarly, the approximate cost of GEL/MEICAL is $ 45,000 whereas other range from $ 47,000 -135,000. These costs are accurate in terms of all variable and other fixtures and the expenditure incurred here could guarantee good share and profit. In the present context, the proposed equipments are lower which minimizes the burdens in the financial procurement. The cost reduced here could be utilized for marketing strategies l ike advertisements in health magazines, news papers and other media. This makes people develop awareness and avail the service rapidly. Hence, the most effective methods for making the service reachable to the target customer in the market is product /service leaflets. The leaflets prepared should be stuck in the hospital departments other than that of Obstetric/ Gyneac and Orthopedics. The other means of distribution is through oral communication led promotion. Staff members working in the hospitals should rapidly spread the information to the colleagues that the hospital has the good equipment facility. Ambulance vehicles used for the hospital services may carry the relevant information through the giant custom labels/ stickers fixed on the vehicle doors, front and back portions etc. The medical equipments to be purchased by the hospital administration will be directly shipped to the hospital store rooms and then to the concerned departments. Hence, there is no need for warehousin g of products or alternative distribution channel sources. Next , there is need of developing potential advertising program. This will be accomplished through approaching the commercial ad agencies. The ad agencies will be contacted through the internet based identification and given the contract of advertising program. Similarly, as a part of in-house advertising program, various hospital departments will be chosen and well designed, attractive, easy to read, service informative brochures will be stuck to the departments notice boards. Media preferences will be chosen based on the fastest information dissemination potential and target audience. They may involve selection of certain health programs in TV channels mostly viewed by the audience. Advertising of the particular service will be made within the permitted time during the program telecasting. Here, the equipments will be shown and briefly described by the relevant expertise. In News papers, health information columns or medi cal bulletins will be selected and the advertisement will be given. In the internet, commercial websites like yahoo, Amazon will be chosen for advertisement under health/medical columns. This mode of selection of media may facilitate rapid access to the service by the target customers. The expenditure incurred for this advertisement project will be $ 2500 for TV channels,$ 1500 for News papers, $1350 for commercial websites, and $1275 for miscellaneous advertising like health magazines and pamphlets, giant custom stickers etc. With this strategy, public relations are anticipated to increase. People could easily become knowledgeable about the proposed business opening which is nothing but the medical equipment facility being provided at the hospital. The equipment facility will influence the public impression about the hospital which may enable the rendering of more effective services. In addition, public orientation towards the hospital service will develop a kind of priority feelin g in the mode of choosing or selecting among other competitive hospitals that offer similar service. Hence, promotion mix strategy facilitates a kind of service outreach to the customers located far and near. Further, with regard to the sales forecasting, the census data has revealed that the ultrasound scan machine and x ray equipment have a good sales .Several prestigious hospitals/ medical centers have increasingly relying on the purchase of equipments. For example, in the third quarter, there was a growing demand for the imaging systems of the competitor Philips that resulted in a 7% rise in orders for the healthcare equipment. The majority of the gain has been contributed by North America with 11 % order increase when compared to rest of world contribution of 2% growth. Philips is anticipated to keep its momentum in the sales growth by 2% to 4% in the market of U.S. imaging systems .The sales growth in Philips was supposed to be due to the overseas customers located outside of Europe and U.S (Freiherr Greg 2010). Another sales forecast from the desk of Global Industry Analysts describes that for the medical imaging equipment services, by the year 2015, the international market is anticipated to achieve US$11.6 billion. This motivation for the rise in market growth is due to an adjustment to the season of economic recession. Here, older equipment servicing connected to financial effects that interrupted the procurement or purchase of new ones is identified as an important contributing factor. With this there is increasing attention in US and Europe on equipment refurbishment, repairing or revising the already existing machines to meet the imaging process demand in the market (â€Å"Global Medical Imaging†2011).The current project sales and income for the next quarters is approximately $180,000.This estimate is based on the income to be generated from the patients on monthly basis. Patients utilize the scanning and x-ray service on regular basis. As such, the current project focused on purchasing the equipment and offering the service is a form of service selling analogous to product selling in the market. Every quarter, the project will ensure a good percentage in the overall hospital shares contributed from other departments and already existing services. For example, service amount obtained for four quarters is $ 250000. The project service will ensure 72 % for the next quarter which is a huge profit for the hospital. In addition, the service amount will be expected to rise from additional activities when there is outreach program like medical camps, awareness programs etc. Action plan: In order for the hospital administration implement the service with the purchase of imaging equipment and expect good service oriented amount, there is a need of reliable marketing strategy. Firstly, scheduling and organization of activities need to be carried out base on the priority. Materials like visiting cards, pamphlets, brochures, lea flets available with the hospital staff about the equipment will need to be checked and prepared in enough quantity. Appropriate marketing executives should be employed in numbers 3 -5 depending on the size of the patients they intend to target. For example, one executive for every 40 patients. Medical professional teams also need to be employed who will supervise the executive’s outcome. The team will then further impart the essential knowledge to the patient regarding the service. Travel-The executives and medical team will be made to travel extensively to identify the target patients. This stage involves visiting primary health care centers (PHC), nursing homes district medical centers and hospitals. At these centers, a review analysis of medial records will be made to find out the patient information like their age, sex, location, socioeconomic conditions, education, employment, clinical history and present medical complaint. The patients will be approached through teleph one or in person depending on their will. A questionnaire will be conducted to determine their nature of complaints. They will be further asked to tell whether they are satisfied with the service being offered at the hospitals they used to prefer. If they have complaints related to pregnancy, the will be informed about the ultrasound scanning machine facility and its advantages, the hospital is going to provide at a moderate cost. Similarly, if they have complaints related to musculoskeletal disorders, the patient will be informed about the modern x ray equipment and its advantages. By distributing the pamphlets and brochures, the patients are strongly encouraged to avail the service of the hospital and avoid the consequences of delay that may occur due to medical inattention. The staff working at these centers will also be informed to refer the patients to the medical imaging facility of the hospital. Customized giant stickers/labels will be stuck at these centers to promote the se rvice. Sample pictures of Ultrasound scan and x –ray images will be printed in huge quantity for distribution at these centers to develop familiarity about the equipment service. Next marketing strategy as per priority is advertisements. Here, prestigious news papers that have good circulation will be selected. Priority will be given to newspapers that have local reputation in order to reach the target patients quickly. This marketing action plan carried out by the executives and professional medical team will be monitored and followed up by the supervisors. During the first week of every month every month, this strategy will be implemented for overall period of one year. Next strategy will be advertisements. A dedicated group of three individuals will look at the advertising activity. News papers, commercial ads agencies and TV channels will be approached and given the contract. Much emphasis will be given to TV programs that telecast health related videos. A specially desig ned video coverage about the medical imaging technology of the providing hospital will be prepared and made available to the health centers and TV channels (Markets and Markets 2011). Medical journals/magazines / bulletins that specialize in radiology or diagnostic imaging will be chosen and ad will be given. This ad giving campaign is scheduled for one year as follows. News paper – every circulation, Ad agencies- daily, TV programs-daily, Journals/magazines- every publication. As a part of marketing strategy, awareness day will be conducted at the hospital once in a week. This will be done not only for in house hospital departments but also for outside people like students, employees, and general public. Therefore, as per the priority, the strategies will be employing of marketing executives and professional medical teams, surveys, visiting primary health care canters/medical centers, educational awareness of patients, distribution of service representative brochures and pam phlets, commercial advertisements and awareness day at the hospital premises (PRWeb 2011). In spite of all the above mentioned strategies, execution of plans at a definite pace is mandatory that will determine the level of service necessary to meet the demand generated by marketing. Firstly, regular feedbacks will be obtained from the hospital staff involved in the project to evaluate the progress of the work everyday. This will include information on how many surveys have been undertaken and the number of patients identified and contacted. For example, the staff is anticipated to identify minimum of 50- 60 patients per 10 surveys. From the information obtained, promotional activities will be expedited through the production of brochures, approaching ad agencies and commercial TV channels as per the schedule mentioned before. Purchase enquiries will be sent to the selling parties to submit the quotation on competitive price on the equipment to be purchased within 10 days period. Inf ormation on suitable funding agencies will be sought and applications will be sent for seeking financial assistance, if needed.In the mean time, all preliminary market research will be carried out and the information is kept ready. Personnel needs in this case may involve employing individuals with diagnostic imaging expertise, allocation of rooms, setting, necessary electric devices and connections, a/c equipment etc.In order to expect complete 50 patients per week and generate the income, specialist doctors involved in the current project will be made to visit outpatient clinics of local hospitals as a collaboration effort. In other words, this is extensive local tour. However, touring of suburban and rural areas do influences the service outcome. Questionnaires will be conducted and suggestions would be obtained from the patients to determine the service satisfaction. This will help to revise the prices of service, improve or upgrade the existing equipment and modulate the servic e activity. American Pregnancy Association. Statistics. 2012. Markets and Markets. Diagnostic Imaging Market (CT, MRI, X-Ray Ultrasound) Competitive Landscape Global Forecasts 2010 2016. 2011. Web. PHILIPS sense and simplicity. DigitalDiagnost. 2012. Web. Freiherr, Greg 2010. Philips imaging equipment sales trend up, especially in U.S. Diagnostic Imaging. 2010. Web.6 Apr. Fujifilm. FDR D-EVO Suite. 2012. Web. Gandolf, Stewart and Lonnie Hirsch. What Is A Health Care Marketing Plan? Healthcare Success. 2011. Web. GE Healthcare. Radiography. 2012. Web. gehealthcare .com/euen/radiography/products/discovery-xr650/discovery_xr650.html. PRWeb. Global Medical Imaging Equipment Services Market to Reach US$11.6 Billion by 2015, According to a New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. 2011. Web. Enterpreneur. Market Research. 2012. Web.3 Apr. 2012. Neoscan Medical Systems. Product details. 2012. Web. The Burden of Musculoskeletal Diseases. The burden of musculoskeletal diseases in the United States. 2008. Web.5 April. 2012. UMG/DEL MEDICAL. Del Medical OTC 10. 2012. Web.
Monday, November 4, 2019
American History 1584-1783 #3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
American History 1584-1783 #3 - Essay Example They shared their goods like clothes, food and other equipments with them. The natives, in return showered them with expensive gifts like gold etc. Later the Spanish, in their quest for wealth and precious metals like gold and silver, tried to isolate the Native Americans from the other European invaders’ influence. In the early 17th century (1607) the British came to North America to have a strong foothold in the region. Jamestown in Virginia became the first place for British settlement followed by colonies in Massachusetts and eastern seaboard in the later part of the century. The initial friendly relationship with the native Indians turned hostile when the settlers started exploiting natives with respect to labor and sea faring activities. Diseases like tuberculosis, diphtheria were brought by the settlers who passed them on to the natives. The natives then refused to work for them. The settlers then brought Africans to work as bonded labors in the plantations and elsewhere, whom, they were freed after several years. Turn of the century saw the raced based slavery becoming a full fledged tradition with Africans and non whites becoming slaves for life. Control over the blacks became the main concern of the white because of the rebellion from the natives. The British Crown delegated the power to the companies who administered in their behalf with rules and regulations. The natives, on the other hand, did not believe in subjugation and rebelled against any revenue imposed by the settlers. French came to America in search of trading avenues and in 1599 the first serious fur trading was established as Tadaussac that grew into the city of Quebec. They had no desire for colonization. They did their trading with the Native Americans as equal. Though French claimed large area in Canada and north America by coming first to Quebec and later expanding from Louisiana in the south to great lakes in the North which included Montreal, Detroit, New Orleans and
Friday, November 1, 2019
Stock project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Stock project - Essay Example The company has acquired you tube and feed burner making it easier to access entertainment through the web. It has also acquired documents termed as jotspots, spreadsheets i.e. the 2web technologies and presentations called zenters. Google Company believes in working in a fun environment to develop technology. It also aims to synchronize the information from different companies. The information provided in the search engines is targeted for users as well it is relevant (Susan, 2025). Stock analysis The company stock stood at highs of $588.19 since the upgrading was implemented. The past three months have experienced a market rise in its price earnings of 12%. The company has been able recouple its losses since the adopted upgrading strategy. The share gained 4.5% on 28/11/2009 to close at $588.19. It had lows of $587.55 i.e.-0.11% to -0.64%. The company share price stood at lows of $500 and highest of $600 in the past three month (Market watch, pp.1). The company has been experiencin g threats in its advertising from Facebook that was causing the losses in its share price before upgrading. The company has spent $1.48million in lobby acts to government in an attempt to scrutinize the illegal use of internet activities. This amount has been to be the highest ever spent over the years of its operations. This report was revealed last work. Another reason causing the trend in shares is the feared mounting assault by Facebook team last week. The Facebook team intends to go public i.e. offer it shares hence tarnishes Google along the way. Google Company has intentions of acquiring Motorola Mobility for $12.5billion (Paul, pp.1). This acquisition is the biggest ever to be made by the Company. This has been viewed as an opportunity to make Google a mobile phone marker. The strategy will put the company ahead of its competitors because the latest android feature will be their patent. The threats have been seen from its competitors from the move of acquiring the android pa tent that belongs to Motorola. This will however consume a great deal of money i.e. a third of its cash reserve that may influence its share price. Nevertheless the company has been experiencing a long term upward of its share price for the past three months. It market analysis reveals earnings per share of $27.95 and a price earnings ratio of $21.05. Economic fundamentals The company enjoys high profits rates at the peak of the economic crisis. This has been seen towards the effects of competitors’ weakness to enter the industry of technological advances. The company’s beta stands at 1.12 currently. The company has had an upward trend in its earnings after tax for the past five years. Its growth stands at 42% compared to the industries average of 49% of net income growth. One of the biggest competitors is Apple that lies behind it. Its beta stands at 1.22. Its share market has risen by 12.5% compared to Google’s 25.19%. Its Smart technology on IPhone is however being threatened by the android phones from Google Company. Google Company stands at the highest share price rise in yesterday’s trading. The trend may be different depending on the future operations as its competitors are working tirelessly to be on the lead. I would buy shares of Google Company as they have been having an upward trend. My strategy is to watch the share price growth or decline. I would sell them if the share starts losing and buy them again at a lower price. With its high beta of 1.12, the company is a risky
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