Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Prophet Essay examples - 839 Words
Kahlil Gibran was a Lebanese writer who spent the last twenty years of his life in United States. He considered THE PROPHET to be his masterpiece, and most people who read it understand why. It is a poetic work, but not really a poem. In this book Gibran shares his philosophy of life in really beautiful language. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The author sets the scene A prophet of God has been living among the people of Orphalese for s long time, but he has been longing to go back to his real home. Over the years he has come to love the people and the city. It is very difficult for him to even think about leaving. He describes the pain in this way: Too many fragments of the spirit have I scattered in these streets, and too many are the†¦show more content†¦The author uses the Prophets answers to the mason, the judge, the inn keeper and others, to share his philosophy. The language is beautiful enough to make even a dedicated non-reader like me glad he has read it. Please read this passage from The Prophet: And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;And he said: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Your children are not your children. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;They are the sons and daughters of Lifes longing for itself. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;They come through you but not from you, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; You may give them your love but not your thoughts, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For they have their own thoughts. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You could read this book several times and still not be tired of it. Read it first to hear the wording, the pretty phrases such as, quot;For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrowquot;. Then read it again andShow MoreRelatedThe Prophet Habakkuk661 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"The Prophet Habakkuk†Ruby A. Jones Bethel University Old Testament REL 111 Sherry Henson March 25, 2013 â€Å"Historical background for The Prophet Habakkuk†Habakkuk’s name means â€Å"Embrace†and he was the eighth Prophet of the Minor Prophets. He was Prophet to the Southern Kingdom (Judah) who wrote his book around 600 B.C. Some may call Habakkuk the questioning Prophet because he questioned God’s wisdom. Habakkuk was confused, but unique because he questioned God’sRead MoreEssay on Jonah: A False Prophet or a Prophet with a False God?2121 Words  | 9 PagesJonah: A False Prophet or a Prophet with a False God? The Jonah narrative is a story often told to children to emphasize that it is wrong to run from God and there is no way to escape from God. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Napoleonic Era Has Remain Fundamentally Relevant Today
Napoleonic era provided operational practices that remain fundamentally relevant today. The Napoleonic Era is an example of Revolution of Military Affairs (RMA) and is fundamentally relevant today. During the Napoleonic Era many scholars studied the techniques used during his nearly twenty years of military success two of the more famous scholars is Clausewitz and Jomini. Both scholars were on Napoleons staff and learned a lot from failure as well as success. During my paper I will discuss three main points that represent a few of Napoleons contributes to the current military. The first point will be the change from dynastic armies to ideological nationalism. This change was valuable because the army called for volunteers and most of the population supported the revolution.2 The second point will be Napoleons ability to master maneuver wafare. Clausewitz and Jomini were two military scholars that studied Napoleon’s techniques used during his nearly twenty years of militar y success. They both took differenc In order for Napoleon to Major Point A: Mastered maneuver warfare understanding the value of combined arms operations. The ability to use Infantry and Artillery together was essential. The concept of the division and corps was already established before Napoleon took command. What he was able to do was maneuver them to perfection. During his early years he mastered the art of invasions by using two main strategies. He would use Strategy of central positionShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of Warfare During The Napoleonic Era1422 Words  | 6 Pagesdisapprove the argument that warfare in the Napoleonic era is fundamentally similar to warfare as it is practice today. Warfare in the Napoleonic era is fundamentally similar to warfare as it is practiced today. The Napoleonic era took place towards the end of the French Revolution between the years 1803-1815. Despite occurring over 200 years ago, the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) that occurred during the French Revolution is still relevant and prevalent in modern warfare and modernRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pagespoints both before the year 2000 (the collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, the surge of globalization from the mid-1990s) and afterward (9/11, or the global recession of 2008) when one could quite plausibly argue that a new era had begun. A compelling case can be made for viewing the decades of the global scramble for colonies after 1870 as a predictable culmination of the long nineteenth century, which was ushered in by the industrial and political revolutions of the lateRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 Pagesgood about the British tradition of academic accounting. Serious in intent, he has striven both to illuminate practice and to provide ways of improving it. Although always appealing to his economic understandings, he has been open to a wide variety of other ideas, recognizing their intellectual strengths and capabilities rather than making artificial distinctions between what is acceptable and what is not. He also has contributed widely to the accounting literature, taking forward the British traditionRead MoreStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words  | 287 Pagesmusical chairs world of publishing these x EMBARKATION days, to be able to work with someone of his caliber, dedication, and experience is most unusual. Abby Luthin gave welcome support there as well. Kate Maguire provided great help, as she has so often in the past. (Kate labeled the manuscript The Beast long before it received its current title!) She was supported admirably by Elana Trager, especially in tracking down some tricky bits of information. Coralie Clement dealt with all the referencesRead MoreInstitution as the Fundamental Cause of Long Tern Growth39832 Words  | 160 Pagespolitical institutions and the distribution of resources as the state variables. These variables themselves change over time because prevailing economic institutions affect the distribution of resources, and because groups with de facto political power today strive to change political institutions in order to increase their de jure political power in the future. Economic institutions encouraging economic growth emerge when political institutions alloca te power to groups with interests in broad-based property
Free Sample of Porters Generic Strategies Virgin Atlantic Airlines
Question: Describe about the Porters Generic Strategies Virgin Atlantic Airlines. Answer: Virgin Atlantic Airlines always tries to understand the needs of its customers. Virgin Atlantic Airlines has been rendered to as niche airlines who are seeking value for money The airlines has managed to serve both local as well as international locations. In order to have an edge over its competitors, Virgin Atlantic Airlines has adopted various generic strategies. The porters generic strategies applicable on Virgin Atlantic Airlines as follows: (Source: Virgin Australia, 2016) Cost Leadership: It has been seen that, low cost fares mid - range price airlines are appealing more customers these days. Virgin Atlantic Airlines cannot be covered under the low cost fare airlines but it has certain pioneered features which helps them to differentiate their goods and services from other airlines. Differentiation: It has been seen that, the recent change in the aviation market has changed the needs of the customers. Virgin Atlantic Airlines offers its customers with flexible and customized services to its passengers. Passengers feel delighted when they are offered services of their choices which help in increasing the customer satisfaction levels.At Virgin Atlantic Airlines, differentiation is everything. The upper class passengers are able to access the in house bar area, spa office are. The passengers even have an option to book a limousine or motorcycles for airport transfer (Virgin Australia, 2016). Focus: The focus of Virgin Atlantic Airlines is to enter the niche markets (flight destinations) as well as understand the dynamics of the market. It shall be taken into consideration that, focus strategy does not work alone and hence it shall be teamed with either cost leadership/ differentiation strategy. As mentioned in the case study, the key trends of Virgin Atlantic Airlines shows that the turnover for Virgin Atlantic has risen from 1,630 (2005) 2,870 (2013). The number of passengers using Virgin Atlantic Airlines is on a constant rise but the rise is not huge It shall be taken into consideration that Bowmans Strategy Clock in case of Virgin Atlantic Airlines might lead to negative thinking justify nothing. It can be argued that, the eight different strategies together might hamper the profit levels. The Bowmans Strategy Clock refers to a tool which is biased towards the direct competitor strategy in order to increase the market share. The strategies of Bowmans Strategy Clock are not so clear on the profit front in the customer matrix. Therefore, Bowman strategy clock are not the best strategies for Virgin Atlantic Airlines as compared to the porters generic strategies discussed above. Virgin Atlantic Airlines has been using porters generic strategies in order to be in the competitive airlines run. One of the strategies adopted by Virgin Atlantic Airlines is to promote its brand all over the market place with the help of differentiation. The differentiation strategy has helped Virgin Atlantic to be known as a convenient and well equipped airline locally or internationally. With the help of differentiation, Virgin Atlantic Airlines had over powered other airlines by a deep cut in their service cost and providing outstanding services to their target audience. One of the biggest strengths of Virgin Atlantic Airlines is to use highly modern technology so as to act smart as compared to the other similar airlines (Shaw, 2011). Differentiation in case of Virgin Atlantic Airlines can be seen as mention in the case study, that they were the first airlines to provide personal entertainment to its passengers. Virgin Atlantic Airlines is the first airlines to operate Airbus A3 40-600. They were the first European airlines to operate Boeing 787-9 in October 2014. It is seen that Virgin Atlantic Airlines is hybrid in nature (i.e. amalgamation of cost leadership followed by differentiation). They follow the simultaneous strategy i.e. they customize the products at a price which is similar to those of mass products. Customization can be seen by mix match of the components. Some of the advantages of being hybrid at Virgin Atlantic Airlines is high innovation closely witness the needs of the customers, organizational learning take up strategic decisions. Hybrid strategy has helped Virgin Atlantic Airlines to achieve high levels of differentiation with low prices as compared to its competitors. This hybrid strategy will help the airlines to provide benefits to the customers (Shaw, 2011). Based upon the case study, it can be judges that Virgin Atlantic Airlines is hybrid in nature as it uses a different marketing strategy to market the airlines i.e. each aircraft has a distinguished name usually feminine in nature such as Lady Bird, Ruby Tuesday Island Lady. Competitive Advantage refers to strategies which are looked upon by the businesses in order to have a competitive edge over its competitors. There are various business strategies which helps any given organization to practice competitive advantage. Competitive Advantage has been referred to as the best approach for any organization as it helps the company to have a competitive edge as compared to its rivals (Kotler Keller, 2008).Some of the ways in which Virgin Atlantic Airlines has attained competitive advantage as compared to its competitors are providing quality services to the customers. The main focus of Virgin Atlantic is to focus upon quality services as compared to prices for the same. The main aim of Virgin Atlantic Airlines is to provide value for money. Thought the tickets are expensive as compared to its competitors but the service provided by the same is commendable much appreciated. It has been seen that, team Virgin Atlantic aims at making the passengers journey memo rable one. Virgin Atlantic Airlines have different product offerings for different passengers (De Kluyver Pearce, 2009). As mentioned in the case study, Virgin Atlantic Airlinesoffers its passengers with three types of cabin configuration i.e. economy, premium economy upper class. As per the facts mentioned in the case study, Virgin Atlantic Airlines was the first airline to provide its passengers with personal entertainment for all the three cabin configurations. Stakeholders Mapping Virgin Atlantic Airlines As a part of commitment so as to operate in a sustainable business Virgin Atlantic engages stakeholders on regular basis. The key stakeholders at Virgin Atlantic Airlines are those who are closely linked or might get affected or the airlines operation might be affected by the same. Some of the main stakeholders of Virgin Atlantic Airlines are employees, guests, shareholders, government regulators, community groups, government, and members of the union major airlines supplier. The summary of the key shareholders at Virgin Atlantic Airlines have been done as follows: Employees Employees have been referred to as the key shareholder at Virgin Atlantic Airlines. The Virgin Atlantic Airlines engages its staff members with direct communication (via emails telephone). An annual staff engagement survey along with quarterly employee road shows are conducted for internal training development (TD) purposes (Porter Phillpot, 2004). Guests The next key shareholders at Virgin Atlantic Airlines are the guests. Virgin Atlantic Airlines engages with their guests in a number of ways i.e. social media, frequent flyer program, websites, guests relation team, in flight magazines, in flight radio channel, guests contact center touch point guests journey (De Kluyver Pearce, 2009). Shareholders investors At Virgin Atlantic Airlines shareholder investors are known the main stakeholders as they might have an impact on the organizations strategy. Virgin Atlantic Airlines engages the investors with the help of survey, annual general meetings (AGM), annual reports, sustainability reports annual briefings (De Kluyver, 2000). Community Groups Virgin Atlantic Airlines engages with the community groups with the help of an official charitable foundation by the name Red Jet Virgin Unite (a non - profit organization of the Virgin group globally). Virgin Atlantic Airlines also engages with the community groups who live nearby the airport area with the consent of Community Aviation Consultation Groups. Virgin Atlantic Airlines also engage directly with the non - government organizations (NGOs) with the help of partnerships and other programs. Government regulator Virgin Atlantic Airlines engage with the government and other regulatory bodies through a well co-ordinated group such as government relations and group executive. The airlines are in direct touch with the regulatory bodies in their consultation process, advisory groups policy forums (Shaw, 2011). Union Virgin Atlantic Airlines engages directly with the members of the union and discuss on the various topics such as internal training development (TD) practices, negotiation, health safety measures and enterprise bargaining agreements (Porter Phillpot, 2004). Suppliers Virgin Atlantic Airlines engages directly with the suppliers with the help of procurement, execution ongoing contract management. Key resources and competencies: Resources (what we have) Competencies (what we do well) 1. Some of the key resources available at Virgin Atlantic airlines are Plant, equipments, cash, borrowing capacity reserves. 2. Human capital in terms of knowledge and skills in case of Virgin Atlantic airlines are goodwill attached along with the airlines and reputation in the airlines industry. 1. Virgin Atlantic airlines shall be able to fly and manage the passengers to reach safely to their destinations. 2. Virgin Atlantic competes on global availability of flights. It has been seen that, the competitors attack them on the basis of price as well as the level of customer service. Shareholder Mapping: Power Interest Matrix: A Minimal Effort Union B Keep Informed Shareholders Investors Government Regulators C Keep Satisfied Community Groups D Key Players Clients/ Guests Employees Suppliers A project is termed to be successful if and only if the stakeholder/ shareholders are satisfied. Shareholders or stakeholders are individuals who have either invested their time, money interest in a particular project. They are the ones who are actively involved with the project and have something to gain or lose in the project. It shall be taken into account that, key shareholders can either make or break the success of the project. Even if all the deliverables of the project are met the objectives are satisfied but the stakeholders are not happy then the nobody would be happy (Kotler Keller, 2008). Virgin Atlantic Airlines have number of resources which would help them to attain competitive advantage over other airlines. The strongest resource applicable to the success of Virgin Atlantic is its strong brand reputation attached along with it. Whereas, other success factors associated with the same, which might be imitated in future are itshigh customer service, better location(flight destination) human resource (HR). VRIO (Value RarityInimitability Organized) framework for Virgin Atlantic Airlines is as follows: VRIO FRAMEWORK Value: Virgin Atlantic Airlines cabin crew is known for its high degree customer orientation one of the best service providers in the airline industry. Rarity: Rarity provides competitive advantage. It has been seen that, the engine technology used at Virgin Atlantic Airlines is rare in nature. Imitability: A strong established brand and reputation attached along Virgin Atlantic Airlines is not easy to imitate. Organized: Virgin Atlantic Airlines tends to support a valuable rare a difficult to imitate resource. This will help the airlines to have benefit in the long run. References De Kluyver, C. (2000).Strategic thinking. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. De Kluyver, C. and Pearce, J. (2009).Strategy. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. and Keller, K. (2008).Marketing management. New Dehli: Prentice Hall India. Porter, M. and Phillpot, C. (2004).Michael Porter. London: Purdy Hicks. Shaw, S. (2011).Airline marketing and management. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate. Virgin Australia. (2016).Stakeholder Engagement | Virgin Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Aug. 2016].
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